and speaking of orange…

echinacea big sky sundown

Echinacea 'Big Sky Sundown'

It took a couple years, but I could not be happier with how these beauties look this summer – this is after nearly 3 weeks with only 1/4 inch of rain!

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3 Responses to and speaking of orange…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Oh Oh Oh. Just LOVE that color. If I ever get to build a small house, I want to paint it that color. Thanks for posting a pic. :)

  2. Donalyn says:

    You’re welcome RA – if you like orange, you would love my garden – and my house too for that matter. My kitchen is painted almost the same color as the flower!

  3. Reynalda Whitebear says:

    Echinacea species are herbaceous, drought-tolerant perennial plants growing up to (140 cm or possibly 4 feet, reference needed) in height. They grow from taproots, except E. purpurea, which grows from a short caudex with fibrous roots. They have erect stems that in most species are unbranched. Both the basal and cauline leaves are arranged alternately. *:–

    Look at the most recent posting on our very own online site http://wellnessdigest.codp Reynalda Whitebear

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