And this year I’m going to…

Just as I did last year, I am going to go public with my New Year’s Resolutions. If you are willing to come out and own this stuff, you are far more likely to follow through or at least appear to intend to follow through [and isn’t perception everything after all?], because why else tell everyone about them? I actually made a fair job with keeping last years resolutions, so I feel pretty good about my prospects for 2009.

1. I believe I have found the perfect weight loss plan – the stomach virus. With virtually no will power on my part whatever, I lost 5 pounds in a few days last week. That means I just have to contract another 8 or 10 stomach viruses and I will be at my ideal weight. So that is my resolution – to get sick more so I can stay in shape.

2. I am going to stop looking at depressing things like our annuity fund and retirement accounts. Instead, I am going to start encouraging the girls to move to larger houses with more bathrooms so we won’t all be cramped quite so badly when we move in with them.

3. I have decided that while I will continue to support local businesses in the form of Upstate NY wineries, I should also adopt a wider world view, which is all politically correct and very global. This is only in part due to my recently found but deeply abiding affection for Shiraz, the grapes for which apparently do not prosper in our climate – they make some really good dark chocolate in other countries too.

4. I am finally going to get rid of everything I haven’t seen or used or even wondered about in the six 7 years since we moved into the new house. I have stacks of boxes of stuff that I haven’t needed in 7 years, so how can I possibly need it at all? Yep – getting right on that!

5. I promise NOT to buy a new camera this year. Because Larry will kill me if I do and then he would go to prison and our children would cry and all of our friends would be sad and who needs that? a macro lens though….

6. Updating one resolution from last year, I think this year I will actually help Riley catch a UPS driver. Maybe if he gets a taste of one he will see they are not much to write home about and shut the H-E-doublehockeysticks-up when they drive by.

7. And one more from last year – I promise to keep serving up the goods every day here at casa dlyn. I would miss you guys way too much if I quit now. All kidding aside, I hope each of you has a multitude of blessings for which to be thankful in this shiny brand new year. See you tomorrow!

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13 Responses to And this year I’m going to…

  1. Ellyn says:

    We are staying here. We have only the one bathroom. It is upstairs where perhaps in years to come you may have trouble getting to *crossing fingers*.

    Go talk to Lauren.

  2. asthmagirl says:

    Life is so unfair sometimes. I had that same stomach thing and didn’t drop an ounce. I may have to actually exercise or something!

    I developed a lens fetish in Canada. I need a second job to feed the beast.

  3. noble pig says:

    By far the best resolutions of the day! Much happiness in 2009 for you and your family!

  4. olivia says:

    LOL … those all sound reasonable to me … :D

    Wishing you and your family the best in the New Year!

  5. Country Girl says:

    These sound like good solid resolutions. And I do have a lot of blessings to be thankful for, too. So you keep serving up the goods, and we’ll keep stopping by to say . . .

    h e l l o . . .

    h e l l o . . .

    h e l l o . . .


  6. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    What IS it with dogs and UPS drivers?

    Yeah, I know. They dare to come up on the porch. Stranger danger deluxe! Smokey recognizes the truck and barks when it drives by too.

    I should have taken your approach to resolutions. All mine are so serious.

  7. Daryl says:

    These are good resolutions, really, I think they could be stuck to. Definitely.

    Me, I dont make resolutions, but in your case I make an exception and resolve to try and comment each time I visit.


  8. Flea says:

    I like your resolutions. You need to make more of them.

  9. TSannie says:

    Perfect resolutions…I especially should address #'s 1 & 4…well, 2, too.

    Hope the new year is wonderful foryou and yours!

  10. MAYBELLINE says:

    Wonerful writing and photos. Thanks for making your work available for viewing. Best wishes in 2009.

  11. msdewberry says:

    I love your resolutions. I think the only way to keep them sometimes is to come at them from an unpredictable way. That way its harder to fail. That is what I did with mine, and put them on my blog too to get it out there!!!
    I love reading your blog, and you are a great photographer so if you are keeping it up I will be reading it!!!

  12. dlyn says:

    Thanks everyone – I think I have the best bloggie-friends/commenters on the whole internet!

  13. adventuresinprison says:

    Way to be motivated! good luck with that and DLYN my blog address has changed. Please come visit again!

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