Are you ready?

‘Cause like tomorrow is Christmas ya know! I know, I know – where would you be without me to remind you of these things? In big trouble, that’s where. I am totally ready and enjoying the company of my fan club, otherwise known as my grandkids. I have to enjoy my celebrity status before they get old enough to realize that Grandma is just a little on the odd side.

I never get tired of these guys and as long as I keep the bird feeder filled, they don’t care how wierd I am.

Blessings my friends!

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5 Responses to Are you ready?

  1. Trisha says:

    Merry Christmas and God Bless!

  2. Debbie says:

    I received my calendar yesterday. Thank you so much!!

    Beautiful pic of the cardinal, just gorgeous!!

    Merry Christmas!

    God Bless~

  3. Mental P Mama says:

    Merry Christmas to you and all the animals!

  4. Janis says:

    Oh my, what a beautiful red bird!!! Just dazzling!

    Hope your Christmas was a blessed one, Donalyn!

  5. Egghead says:

    Wow that bird! Beautiful. I have never seen a red bird of any kind around here. I hope you had a very lovely Christmas.

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