
I think from this photo, you can see why I have been anxious to get my camera back – I didn’t want to miss the leaves turning. Our colors are really extraordinary this year.

For those who are newer to my blog, each Sunday, I put up a photo from home for our daughter Lauren who is stationed in Iraq. [she is the point of contact for the area where she is stationed – see here if you would like to help] It is a reminder for her that we are all here, praying for her safe return.

I think she is going to like this one

blessings on your day!

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8 Responses to Sunday

  1. Trisha says:

    I am positive Lauren will love the picture! It is wonderful.

    I just shipped off another package to Lauren via Operation Soap. She did say that the soldiers really like the full sized shampoos, body lotions, etc. because they are there for a long time and the sample sized ones run out so quickly.

    Keep us updated if there are any new things that are needed!

  2. Ellyn says:

    Another beautiful home picture. Loved it.

  3. TSannie says:

    Suday blessings…to you, your Lauren, and for the return of your camera!

  4. Sara says:

    You totally realize you live on a piece of heaven, right?

  5. Mental P Mama says:

    Beautiful shot…worth waiting for;) Blessings and light being sent to Lauren.

  6. steviewren says:

    You live in a beautiful spot. The sky is marvelous today.

    I dropped into your part of the world via the black box widget. Read your profile and had to say…”I’m one of God’s slower children, but I keep trying”…we must be kindred spirits.

  7. Coloradolady says:

    What a beautiful picture. Just like a postcard. I love the fall and the colors show up wonderful in this photo.

  8. Egghead says:

    This one just might make her homesick. Beautiful colors.

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