Rainy Day Begonia

Begonias are one of my favorite plants for containers. They bloom their crazy little heads off all summer long, and if you have a good place to winter the tubers, they will last for years. This one shares a pot with some coleus and basil and on a rainy day last week, it looked really happy indeed.begonia

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7 Responses to Rainy Day Begonia

  1. Terryb says:

    that is so beautiful!

  2. Kate says:

    I love love love begonias. Lots of good memories. Beautiful photo.

  3. CM says:

    Awesome photo! It’s gorgeous!
    ….. I’m trying to squelch the envy factor …. I bought two beautiful begonias – white and yellow – and had just the sport in a terra cotta container. I have battled with them the entire summer. Every time they would get new growth they would just rot. I tried treating them … letting them dry out … everything . I’m ready to resign myself to … Just Not A Begonia Person! I can’t wait to get something else in that pot for the fall.

    Thanks for shairng yours with me! : )

  4. Debbie Jean says:

    That is just so pretty!! I love both Begonia’s and coleus. Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Gina says:

    I don’t think i’ve ever seen a more gorgeous photo!

  6. Beautiful colors in that photo.

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