These photos are very different, but also very much alike.
The differences are obvious. Spikey vs. soft, dark vs. light, dry vs. wet.But what about them is the same? Neither of them were taken under ideal conditions. The thistle was taken in mid-afternoon light. Kind of harsh, but it shows through the spines nicely. Conventional photographic wisdom dictates that landscape and floral phototgraphy is best done just a bit after dawn and a bit before sunset, but that isn’t always possible. Daylilies don’t open fully until the sun hits them, by which time the light is really too bright to get a good shot. This near-white, called “Gentle Shepherd” is particularly difficult to capture, but I was pretty happy with this one.
What is all contrasty in your world these days?
:) great lesson in making the shot work for you. I love the thistles but have never found one around here
Lovely!!! … hope you’re feeling better! When Nathaniel and I were at Powell Gardens on Saturday we watched a little goldfinch for about 5 – 10 minutes eating the seeds from a dried Cone Flower, which is kind of like Thistle. He got within about 1 foot of it because the little guy was so taken with the feast. Maybe you’ll get a good shot of a Goldfinch on that thistle when it dries out.
Beautiful! Because of you, D, my daughter wants to get more into photography…which will mean a better camera for her later on someday.
Nothing too contrasty in my world. I do know that’s difficult to photograph a white flower, though. And you did an admirable job of it!
Lovely, both of them. And I have no answers to any question. The doldrums of Summer are surrounding me.
Wow, so beautiful! I love how you can see the water droplets!