I am ready for my close-ups

Some birds are a little more needy than others. Most just ask me to take one photo and then they fly on about their business. This Song Sparrow needed a lot of stroking and reassurance about her appearance. She made sure that I was able to get nice shots of her from every angle.

Side view
Front viewFront, slight angle
The inevitable “How does my butt look in this” shot“Make sure you get my good side”

Then she was done and flew off to have her legs waxed and her eyelashes dyed. She’ll be back though.

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6 Responses to I am ready for my close-ups

  1. Flea says:

    That’s quite a lens you’ve got yourself! Very nice. I keep forgetting to use my giant lens. :(

  2. Tammy says:

    I always enjoy your pictures! I just don’t have the eye for photography… or the camera. Yeah, I’ll blame some of it on my camera.

    I’m praying for your daughter! Enjoy your weekend.

  3. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    I love it! I have yet to have any creatures hang out long enough for that many photos, but I’m going to keep trying.

  4. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    I love it! I have yet to have any creatures hang out long enough for that many photos, but I’m going to keep trying.

  5. Ashmystir says:

    Ha. ha. Funny!

  6. Country Girl says:

    Hey, good catch! Great photos!

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