Not everyone thinks Riley is so great

There is one house guest that I have yet to mention. His name is Tux, but I like to call him Tuxie Wuxie. Tux is not completely satisfied with his accomodations here.
This is the main reason. Riley has never had a kitty at his house before. They are mighty entertaining, what with how they scoot back and forth and make some very interesting noises. And Tux has lived with a couple different dogs before and got along with them quite well, even playing with them for hours on end.But for some reason, he doesn’t care much for Riley. “I don’t understand why he doesn’t like me. I am not going to actually bite him or anything. He plays with Daisy and she has been known to bite a little. But every time I try to play with Tux, he says, ‘You sssssssssssssuck’, which is not very nice.”Right after this picture was taken, Tux said some very bad words. He didn’t spell them either. We are hoping that Tux will change his opinion and if that happens, we will be sure to come back and let you know. I don’t think that Riley is going to give up on the idea any time soon.

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14 Responses to Not everyone thinks Riley is so great

  1. Ashmystir says:

    I know that look all to well!! And he’s a mama’s boy.

  2. HeyJules says:

    That cat is too cute! I feel so bad for Riley, though. C’mon Tux…give him a go!

  3. Lori says:

    I am NOT a cat person, but that is one handsome feline. And the name fits so well.
    Poor Riley, getting cussed out and all.

  4. Tara says:

    bwahahaha oh you crack me up. LOVE the “you sssssssssuck” line. SO funny. You really should write a book about the life of Riley. Really.

  5. Have the T-Shirt says:

    What a pretty cat! Poor Riley, it’s like reverse racism or something!

  6. CM says:

    Don’t tell Riley but I think Tuxie Wuxie is adorable and I’d love to pick him up and hold him. I can tell by the look in his eyes, though, that Tux will not be changing his mind any time soon.

  7. Country Girl says:

    Tuxie Wuxie is not very nice, is he? Or perhaps he is just being a cat. You know how you just don’t like some people? Animals are the same way, aren’t they?
    Still, it just isn’t right to tell someone they “ssssssssuck.”
    That’s just mean!

  8. dlyn says:

    Ash – that is a great pic of Fatboy!

    Jules – Tux says Riley can kiss….never mind – the rest wasn’t very nice.

    Lori – the name really does fit him!

    Thanks Tara – glad you enjoy my tales of Riley!

    T-shirt – thanks for stopping by my blog and the great comment!

    CM – your mailing address is still the same, right? Tuxie will be on his way the first of next week!

    CG – I wish Riley had a kitty friend like George has ;)

  9. Flea says:

    Tux is beautiful. My Lou and Flash have some of the same conversations. They’ve learned to peacefully coexist for the most part. Sometimes it does get heated, though. Makes life fun!

  10. Ness says:

    Hang in there, Riley. I’m sorry Tux is being such a twit. You have to realize that cats march to the beat of a different drummer and not all they do is nice(yeah, you can tell I’m a major dog person, huh? And if things get too bad, come lay your paws under Aunt Ness’s table.

  11. CM says:

    LOL – my birthday is long past …. besides, you wouldn’t do that to those little grandkiddies … send away their little Tuxie Wuxie.

    I’d take him, though.

  12. Alison says:

    Tux is a very handsome boy….don’t worry Riley…I am sure it has nothing to do with you!!

  13. olivia says:

    LOL … what a face! That look … hehe … >’.’<

  14. Weezee says:

    I just love Tux he is soooo cute. I can see why Riley won’t leave him alone.

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