Another Exciting New Product!!!!

Don’t you hate it when those two grande burritos you had for lunch begin to insist on attending an important business meeting or your first try at speed dating? Now, you can rise above such occasions and emerge with your dignity and good reputation intact. You know you can always find the latest info on cutting edge products here! Without any further ado, I bring you:

You should definitely go to their website to check out all of their amazing and useful products. [there are even movies!] They have one product called “Skid Off”, but it was not what I thought it was going to be. I was also relieved to see that they do offer their products in “gift packs”, because some people I know have birthdays coming up.

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20 Responses to Another Exciting New Product!!!!

  1. Kelly says:

    You’ve got to be kidding me!
    They even make them for thongs???

  2. dlyn says:

    ROFL! You think people who wear thongs never fart? :D

  3. Meredith says:

    What will they think of next?

  4. Kellan says:

    Too funny! I can’t believe it! Have a good day – Kellan

  5. Melissa says:

    Bwhahaha! Now I think I have truly seen everything. Skid Off…so wrong on so many levels!

  6. Tammy says:

    No! I wonder how long it took them to come up with that clever and enticing product name? Too funny!

  7. CM says:

    Oh boy ….. I’m actually having beans for lunch while I am reading this! (Incidentally, what is “speed dating?” – not that I would be doing it at my age and marital status – but, if I ever decide to, I may not want to “ahem”, shall we say, “fido” while I am doing it.)

    Once more I’ve enjoyed the one-stop-blog for great info and entertainment! ….. I’m spreading the word!


    PS – more Ooos and Ahhhhs today from a couple of people I showed your photos too!

  8. Scarlett Wanna Be says:

    I have a list of people who could benefit from such things….they’re all men of course, after all girls don’t do that.

  9. Weezee says:

    well if that don’t beat the bugs a-fightin’ hon!

    that poor girl in the video needs better hairspray. :)

  10. Asthmagirl says:

    My gift giving challenges are solved!

  11. Oh, The Joys says:

    If only it were real. I need them so…

  12. Julie says:

    Enjoyed visiting and reading your blog today. You are a good photographer as well.

  13. Laura B. says:

    that’s awesome! I swear I thought it was all a gag at first. But no…it’s all real. Yea, I totally had the wrong idea for “Skid Off” too. I think I might actually order that. ;-)

  14. Tempered Woman says:

    Oh thank heaven for this most wonderful post! Now I just have to hide them til Father’s Day…

  15. Anonymous says:

    I LOVE this…you nade my day!!!!!
    Pam ‘Oh Da Woods

  16. Flea says:

    Girls don’t fart, Dlyn.
    And I’ve tagged you, if you want to play. It’s a photo meme, so naturally I thought of you.

  17. Country Girl says:

    Mental note to self:

    Never let Dlyn know when my birthday is.

    Too funny!

  18. Chris says:

    Yesss! My hubby needs these sooo bad!! How funny you are! Definitely a must-have. Bless you.

  19. Amie says:

    LOL and hee hee and ho ho!!

    thanks for visiting. =)

  20. Rosa says:

    That would be VERY handy over here! For my husband of course. . .

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