Grandchild-proofing my house

So it looks like in just one short week, we will be invaded by a marauding band of ……… grandchildren. [and their parents will be here too of course] As mentioned before, the E&J family is moving a couple hours north of us and we are a way station of sorts for a few weeks while they get their bearings, figure out where they want to live relative to where Jason will be working and start looking for a house to buy. The plan is that they will be here for 2 or 3 weeks probably.

I am pretty certain that my perfect, angelic grandchildren would never get into anything they shouldn’t. Right? Can I get an amen?

Yeah – I didn’t think so.

Anyway, I would put the things I want to keep away from them in boxes or maybe some rubbermaid containers, but I’m not sure that is how the parents of today do things:

Going through some old pics on my computer, I come across these examples of modern-day parental storage that just seem…..not right to me.

And I realize they are getting ready to move and all, but back in my day, we moved our children in car seats and car beds and such – we didn’t store them in boxes:

And if I had known that bin of duplos I bought would eventually come to this, I think I would looked for another gift:

Now, it seems, you put the children in containers. Can you blame me for feeling confused?

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24 Responses to Grandchild-proofing my house

  1. Ashmystir says:

    That is HILARIOUS! I love the pics!

  2. Laura B. says:

    Ha! I’ll have to keep this in mind. Who needs baby furniture when you can just go get some rubbermaid containers. ;-)

  3. BOSSY says:

    Ahhh, this could be a whole new line for the already successful Container Store.

  4. Cheryl says:

    Great pics of those babies!!!!

    EVERY TIME there was a box of ANY kind Travis was in it. He would even slide down the stairs in them resulting in the banister at the curve in the stairs becoming loose. In fact, Doug just recently anchored it back down while he had the wall open in the dining room where it butts up to.

    Again… Great pics of the kids. I KNOW you will enjoy having them there…. Take it from me though, put your lipstick way up high!


  5. Ness says:

    Go to my site and collect your award!

    I love the pics and I know you will have a great time with them.

  6. CM says:

    LOL! They are so sweet! You’ve got great times ahead!


  7. Amy says:

    Hi there! I clicked on your link through Confessions of a Pioneer Woman and checked out your blog a little (supposed to be writing a paper so you know … )
    Anyway, you take GREAT photos! They are really, really nice!!!! Just wanted to stop by and share that with you. Enjoy your extended visit with your grandbabies :)

  8. Tammy says:

    FWIW – Any of those containers make a great slide on a straight flight of stairs too!

  9. Julie says:

    I couldn’t stop laughing!
    You see, WE keep finding our children in containers…they keep climbing in and I can’t seem to stop them. They think it’s cute. My husband thinks its cute. I photo them and think its cute, but I’ve always felt there is something WRONG about it. I am glad you finally identified the problem. You can see one recent example here:

  10. Country Girl says:

    Cute baby pics! My boys used to love being in boxes. So long ago . . .

    Have a good time with your grandchildren there. You’re so lucky. They’re adorable!

  11. Asthmagirl says:

    Great pics! I’m laughing about your comment on flea’s site, re: your scanner! And flea’s solution was awesome!
    I can’t wait to see your meme…

  12. Paige Jennifer says:

    So adorable! Totally pinch-able cheeks – my favorite!

  13. Julie says:

    You’ve been tagged on my blog. No pressure, but I like your wit.

  14. Jenera says:

    Very Cute! What funny pictures. We can buy the best toys out there and my kid would rather climb in the boxes and play with the packaging.

  15. CM says:

    I’m, so embarrassed ….. you didn’t know that there was a new trend in child care ….. storing kids in boxes and containers ….. but I knew nothing of speed dating. I thought it was a typo ….. (speed skating is something you would not want to fart while your’e doing either. The mental image of it has kept me laughing.)

    Someone here at work who is “in the know” filled me in on “speed dating” and it is definfiely something I don’t ever want to try, whether or not I have gas.

    Have a great weekend. CM

  16. dlyn says:

    I should think Ramona would be pretty strongly opposed to you doing any dating at whatever speed ;).

  17. Around The Funny Farm says:

    Good luck with the visit! We are going to invade the grandparents in another month…. along with the dog!



  18. Flea says:

    Dlyn, when you consider the alternatives, boxing up the children really isn’t so bad. The parents could have opted for the vacuum seal storage instead, Just sayin’.

  19. Girl says:

    I can’t help but giggle!

  20. Alison says:

    very cute!!! I hope you enjoy every minute of their stay!! I am sure you will!!

  21. Lizzy in the Burbs says:

    Such cute pictures! Of course your grandchildren will get into everything and anything they shouldn’t, that’s the charm of children, isn’t it?! :) Your little guy looks quite content to play in the cardboard box. Now you know what to buy him next Christmas!


  22. teddie says:

    I can’t tell you how many times I tried to mail my 4 sons to someone…..ANYONE! I could never get anyone to agree to let them out when they reached their destination though. :)

    You better start taking vitamins to keep up with Mark and Anna. You also might want to look for a big box for you to hide in when you need some quiet time. LOL

  23. dlyn says:

    Too true Teddie – Grandma has a master suite she can go hide in if they all start getting too rambuncious. ;) And we sort of took Sean when Ellyn adopted him as her brother, but he was grown up by then, so that was probably no help.

  24. CM says:

    Oh yeah ….. that too! I was really thinking more about my kids. I didn’t think any of them were dating right now (though three of them it’s time to get on with it) but maybe they are doing it so fast it happened without me knowing it! : )


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