Wow – it really is Spring!

How could I lose track of it? That spring has actually arrived, I mean. Most years, I am so impatient for it to ever get here that it seems like it takes forever. This year, a combination of insane busyness, preoccupation with the new site, preparing for our trip next week, and lingering worry over my knee being in good enough shape to actually get out and do anything, kept me from dwelling on the weather very much. It seems as though I woke up one morning and realized that spring was already here. I can be forgiven somewhat by the fact that spring did seem to arrive early here – notwithstanding the fact we are actually forecast for a bit of snow tonight. Larry’s crocus patch, over the septic tank [is he a romantic, or what?] has long since bloomed, but a patch in the shade garden is just coming into its own now. There is a green haze over the hills, as the leaves are beginning to really come out and all of the spring birds are showing up at the feeders.

Despite all of that, for some reason, I was surprised to see these buds on my favorite lilac. It is just one of the seventeen lilac bushes we have around the yard. Many of them are small enough still, that calling them “bushes” may be an exagerration. This is the one we have had the longest. I have long forgotten the name of the variety, but it is an old fashioned kind, which makes it one of the first to bloom. Larry and the girls got it for me for Mother’s Day about 25 years ago. I can still picture the 3 of them planting it for me, all very pleased with themselves that they had gotten me something they knew I really wanted. And in one of those “circle of life” kinda things, we are taking some pieces of it up to Ellyn this weekend, so she can have one in her own yard. I hope she enjoys it as much as I have.

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13 Responses to Wow – it really is Spring!

  1. Gorgeous pictures, its even makes spring more exciting! thanks

  2. JC says:

    I love Lilacs !!!

  3. Donalyn says:

    Thanks Claudia – spring is hiding today!

    JC – me too :)

  4. Teresa says:

    Lilacs already? You better put a coat on them for tonight’s weather. That is so great you can share your lilac with your daughter. I love when plants last generations. that’s the best kind of plant to have. One with history. I have a few of those from my mother in law and some from friends. Terrible the weather change we are having. I hope it returns to spring very soon. Have a great weekend!

  5. Donalyn says:

    Is this awful Teresa? It feels much colder than it actually is, just because we used to it being warm. brrrrrr. The lilacs are on their own – with 17 of them I don’t have enough old sheets to cover them all. They aren’t out enough yet to be ruined, but we have had years when we didn’t get any blooms on them because of late frosts. Summer – come back!

  6. Dew Drops says:

    I think Spring came early all over the place, it was at least a month early here. I missed some of it too with it being so early.
    Tulip Festival is here tomorrow, going to see that. You know Spring is really here when you can see it in the fields.
    I love your photo of yellow crocuses and I am looking forward to seeing some more lilac photos as your trees bloom!!

  7. Donalyn says:

    Thanks Lorna – and I will be sure to post some – we have about 10 different kinds, so the display in a good year is pretty amazing.

  8. Flea says:

    I’ve never seen a lilac up close and personal. I’m kinda just hoping my peony finally blooms this year. Your crocus are beautiful.

  9. Trisha says:

    Happy Spring! Such lovely photos! Enjoy!

  10. hi-d says:

    Beautiful photographs…I love lilacs…the look, the fragrance…only thing bad, is that they have such a short life cycle of blooming.

  11. ellyn says:

    You said you would but you didn’t. You did bring some other pretty cool stuff though. So your forgiven. I have mentioned the cookies are AWESOME! (that is a little foreshadowing because the cookies haven’t even made it on to the blog yet.)
    The rocker is pretty wonderful too. Looks great in the livingroom.
    Yeah, the lilacs can wait…I guess.

  12. Donalyn says:

    Flea – I forget they don’t grow out there! They are so common here – grow wild all over too!

    Thanks Trisha and and hi-d!

    Ellyn – Dad whimped out -he didn’t want to dig them ’cause it was snowing! You ‘ll get them in a few weeks…

  13. CM says:

    Spring didn’t’ come early around here! … but it is really here now! I lvoe the pictures …. and I love you!
    Cousin Mark

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