Chicken with Kale

This recipe has been updated and moved to my new blog.  You can now find it here:

link to new post

Mediterranean Chicken & Kale

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12 Responses to Chicken with Kale

  1. Pingback: Greek Chicken – dlyn

  2. Gina says:

    oooo, my husband will love this! Thanks! :)

  3. Ana says:

    This does look very easy and the flavors sound so yummy. I can’t wait to give it a try.

  4. Kate says:

    There you are! I love the look of this. My husband doesn’t like feta cheese, though. But I adore it.

  5. Jessie says:

    that chicken looks so mouth watering and tasty!

  6. Christie says:

    and here us dog folks thot we were the only ones that bought kale! :-)
    lookin’ gooood…

  7. The chicken breast is perfectly seasoned and sauteed here and the kale is a great source of natural calcium too.

  8. Bunnygotblog says:

    Kale is over looked I think. This is a great recipe to try.

  9. beverly says:

    I have been thinking that I need to eat more greens and this will certainly be a good incentive!

  10. Connie Martin says:

    this has to be good :D

  11. KAT says:

    With these flavors it can’t be bad!

  12. Pingback: Greek Chicken & Kale — Semi-Sweet

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