
Lauren’s home photo this week – an unexpected rainbow across the far side of our valley that made dinner late last Thursday.

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12 Responses to Sunday

  1. TSannie says:

    How very beautiful. Lauren will love it, I’m sure.

  2. blessedwith5 says:

    Two beautiful rainbows! Double Promise from God.

    Your valley is gorgeous!

  3. noble pig says:

    What a beautiful shot!

  4. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    That’s an almost magical photograph!

  5. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    I so love rainbows!
    Lauren will love it!
    HUgs laura

  6. Tonjia says:

    beautiful! this photo looks like a postcard..

  7. CM says:

    Beautiful! So green and lush ….. I bet you’re making Lauren homesick!

    We are very green here too which is extremely unusual for August in Missouri. We have had a lot of rain and everything is very green and growing so nicely too.

  8. Steve says:

    I once spent a summer in Missouri. The whole time it was raining, everything was green and growing quite nicely. Especially the poison oak my bivouac site was in the middle of. :D I was in basic, for the record. I can say while both places look very very nice, Dlyn’s house is much more comfortable during August, especially when it cools off at night.

  9. Paige Jennifer says:

    We had terrible storms yesterday afternoon and evening. At around six o’clock I heard someone under the awning below my condo raving about the two rainbows she just saw. I ran to my balcony and saw nothing (sigh). I was so bummed. But this photo? It saved the day.

  10. Dewdrop says:

    You know me… I love to talk about the sky…

    This is a gorgeous shot, btw.

  11. CM says:

    Yah Steve, I would take Upsate New York weather any day over Missouri’s.
    Where were you stationed in MO, Whiteman?

  12. Lauren says:

    Its funny I have a picture almost exactly like that at home from about 15 years ago when I was little. Love it mom thanks.

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