Sunday too

My cousin Mark, who comments here frequently, sent me an email the other day, advising me to check out his wife’s nephew’s website and music. So now, after listening to his new CD, Devotion a couple times, I am passing the favor along to you. Go check out Daniel Buchanan. He offers a beautiful and unique combination of worship music. Close your eyes and sink in…

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6 Responses to Sunday too

  1. Trisha says:

    I am always looking for some good music – I will check it out. Thanks for the tip!

  2. noble pig says:

    Thanks for the Sunday tip Dlyn! Happy Day!

  3. CM says:

    You’re-so-nice!!! …. for putting Dan’s CD on a post today … (I can’t’ stop listening to it!)
    …….and for deleting “all too frequently” out of the text before posting “cousin Mark, who comments here frequently” ; )

  4. Flea says:

    His sound is very cool. :)

  5. Mental P Mama says:

    One of my favorite things about church is our music. I cannot wait to listen to this!

  6. Lori says:


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