Fresh Local Fun

flowerstand_ifmYou might wonder why people with a veggie garden the size of an Olympic pool would feel the need to visit a Farmer’s Market.  For one thing, we’ve had a bunch of company around here this past month or so, and we like to find fun and interesting things to do while we are together.  The Farmer’s Market in Ithaca fit in perfectly.  A good Farmer’s Market is also a great place to get some nice photos, and that is always something I’m looking for.   I didn’t get the names of some of the vendors, so in the interest of fairness, I am not going to include any of them here – you will have to go and visit for yourself if you are in the area.

Things started out very nicely I thought.wine3_ifmLots of good entertainment to be enjoyed, including this accomplished young fiddle player.fiddle_ifmPlenty of vegetables of course – this is Rainbow Swiss Chard.chard_ifmThis guy – a “Wild Spike”, along with the Cuban Oregano right behind him, came home to live with me. Because I have so few plants around, you know?spike_ifmWe did not buy these, though they looked very tempting. We decided our huge crop of beets at home don’t need any company.beets_ifmTons of awesome food, including black beans and rice to feed one’s little sister.kids_ifmA woodcarver working on her latest project.hands_ifm1Here is a finished one – is that cool or what?adameve_ifmAgain, with that local thing, you have to make sure you encourage all local businesses. It’s the right thing to do.wine1_ifmCherry kitchen implements – they look even better in person.spoons-ifmI picked up a husband while I was there. No, wait – I already had him. He is fresh and local though.larMore delectable produce.veg_ifmI resisted the impulse to buy any cut flowers – we have plenty of these at home too. I still wanted some of them though.moreflowers_ifmIsn’t this lovely? I may go back for some of these.pottery_ifmC’mon – you look lonely. Better come home with me.wine2_ifm

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11 Responses to Fresh Local Fun

  1. charlane says:

    wow – your farmer’s market is so varied and great. love it and the fresh husband. LOL cute shots – the pottery looks beautiful, hope you get some soon.

  2. Trisha says:

    That farmer’s market looks like a wonderful place to visit! So much more than produce. I would have been tempted by the flowers too. I admire your self-control!

  3. Astaryth says:

    I wish I could find a farmer’s market that nice somewhere close to me… we have a little lame one here on Saturdays. I mostly go to get the fresh peaches and some tomatoes and things. But, no pretty booths, everyone is selling literally out of the backs of their trucks or in little tents they set up themselves. No local crafters. Sigh! I don’t even bother to take the camera when I go…

  4. Beautiufl photos! My farmer’s market was yesterday, but this one seems mcuh nicer. Ours is a little boring.

  5. tj says:

    …Yeah, I second what ‘Astaryth’ said up there…our Farmer’s Market is identical to what she described. It’s nothing like what you have there, that is wonderful!

    …Thanks for sharing your trip!

    …Blessings… :o)

  6. Debbie Jean says:

    Wow, how nice a farmer’s market!!! Beautiful pics! I esp like the 1st pic. Very colorful.

  7. Donalyn says:

    Thanks all – we have numerous other smaller markets in our area, as well as tons of small veggie stands. This is definitely the grandaddy around here though and well worth fighting the traffic, which was pretty bad.

  8. Flea says:

    So just how fresh IS Larry? :)

  9. CM says:

    Trying not to be jealous that I wasn’t there. Thanks for all the pics …. and may favorite? …… Mark feeding Anna, of course. She’s got hair!

  10. Kate says:

    Ha. Laughing at Flea’s comment above.
    But seriously, I love the color and the fun in this post! That redware (?) is beautiful, too. Fun fun!

  11. Donalyn, thanks for showing me in the act of carving and one of my adam and eve painted and carved folk art pictures. We take a lot of pride in our Ithaca Farmers’ Market. You come back now, you hear!?

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