I’m not here

I’m outside. We have a couple of really beautiful days coming up and I need to get on with my edging and mulching and weeding and planting and moving and dividing and replanting. How ironic that I give you a photo from indoors, huh? This is one of my Mother’s Day roses.roseHave a fabulous day!

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11 Responses to I’m not here

  1. CM says:

    Wish I was there to share the day with you …. I could help with the mulch and the edging.

  2. ellyn says:

    Lovely. Now get back to work.

  3. Daryl says:

    Come on inside with you .. get back to work … its my turn to take a walk .. wait, cant, I am working .. bummer ..

  4. enjoy being outdoors today!

  5. Debbie Jean says:

    Beautiful rose! It’s a beautiful day here today also!!!

  6. Kate says:

    Good for you! And this photo is special.

  7. Charlane says:

    gorgeous color!

  8. That is one beautiful rose! Our garden seems to grow at an alarming rate… Not only the weeds but the entire garden is exploding right now… Think I have to more outdoors too!

  9. Flea says:

    My Mother’s Day roses bloomed yesterday and they smell HEAVENLY. Mmmm. Yours are pretty.

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