3 years ago today

Someone special came into the world.
He thinks sometimes
He is full of plans that will not necessarily please the grown upsHe can stick out his tongueHe can make his eyes wide openOr “wide shut”“Who do you love Mark?” “You Grandma!”“How old are you now?” “I am three!”
He is the The World’s Most Fabulous Grandson and today is his Birthday!

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14 Responses to 3 years ago today

  1. Lori says:

    Happy Birthday to your Most Fabulous and gorgeously blue-eyed Grandson!

  2. HeyJules says:

    Happiest Birthday to you!

  3. Ashmystir says:

    Happy Birthday Mark! Keep on making your gramma happy!


  4. Olly says:

    He’s gonna be a real heart-breaker when he grows up! Happy Birthday to Mark!

  5. CM says:

    Happy Birthday Mark! I like to think you were named after me, even though I know you were named after your grandfathers. When I see how handsome you are, then I think for sure I should take some of the family resemblance credit. You’re one blessed little boy with the parents and grandparents that you have …. some day you’ll understand that …… and you are a blessing to them!

    One more interesing fact ……. today is my oldest son’s 19th birthday! You were born on the same day as your second cousin John Mark. Obviously great things happen on April 8!

    Love, Cousin Mark

  6. Meredith says:

    Happy birthday! He’s adorable!

  7. Weezee says:

    Yay Mark, Happy Birthday to you.

  8. Flea says:

    He’s the world’s most beautiful grandson, with those amazing blue eyes. :)

  9. Country Girl says:

    Adorable. Someday, maybe, I hope, yes I do, that I have grandchildren. And that will tell me that they love me.
    You are blessed . . .

  10. Ness says:

    Happy Birthday Most Fabulous Grandson! You have the most beautiful eyes!

  11. Chris says:

    Happy Birthday little cutie pie Mark! And your Grandma is quite lucky! I love these photos.

  12. Alison says:

    Happy Birthday Mark….you are a very handsome 3 year old!!

  13. addhumorandfaith says:

    Aren’t grandchildren just the frosting on the cake? Happy Birthday, Mark!

  14. sleepy jeanne says:

    What a cutie!

    Happy belated birthday, Mark :-)

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