I haven’t lost my touch

For a long time, I made all of our bread. Loaf after loaf of every kind of bread issued from my oven for years on end. Then came what Larry refers to as “The Bad Time” [not very imaginitive, but he has other fine characteristics that make up for this]. For 4 years I low carbed. And if I am low carbing, Larry is mostly low carbing too. Not only is he not that imaginative, but he can’t cook much either. I made no homemade bread during those dark days. There was often weeping and gnashing of teeth, but no bread baking.

But now I am not low carbing anymore and I can bake bread again. I wasn’t sure if I would even remember how to do it anymore. I was, I admit, inspired by the fact that Ellyn and Jason bought a bread machine and now Ellyn makes all of their bread. But, I didn’t bake bread to compete with Ellyn, or because I felt guilty or any sort of petty motivation like that. It was to forestall the inevitable whining mild protestations I would hear when Larry gets to eat Ellyn’s homemade bread. “You never bake bread anymore.” [think of little sad-eyed puppy dogs]

But now I did, so he can’t say that. It is really yummy too.

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2 Responses to I haven’t lost my touch

  1. Anonymous says:

    looks very good. wish I were there to help you eat it.

  2. Cousin Mark says:

    Larry ….. I’m with you ….. except that I need to lose weight and you don’t …. but while the low carb thing worked for me when I tried it, I just can’t give up my bread and pasta. Besides, bread is very biblical you know!

    Congratulations that bread is back …. wish I could have a warm piece of it with some great conversation at your table while we look out the window at the snow.

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