Front Door/Back Door Meme – February

Though I usually take the fd/bd photos first thing in the morning the day I post them, I did these yesterday, because it was so pretty out. I don’t usually complain much about winter – unless it is still snowing in June – but this has been a rather dreary one. Not terrible in terms of an extraordinary amount of snow or a lot of bad storms, but it has been very grey a lot of the time. Did you know it is only 21 days till Daylight Savings Time? And dare I begin counting this down already? Only 33 days until the first day of spring!

In any case, it was a lovely, blue-sky afternoon yesterday so here it is.
The front yard front_02_14_09And the back yardback_02_15_09Looks a lot like January doesn’t it? And December. It’s pretty though and we have to expect to see a bit of snow in Upstate NY in February.

Previous months are here

Join in if you like – the guidelines are simple:
This is a photography meme.
1. Step out your front door and take a picture.
2. Step out your back door and take a picture.
3. Put them on your blog, along with the rules.
4. If there are things in the photos that you particularly like or dislike, you can point them out, or just explain what we are seeing. Maybe changes over the seasons or some junk in your neighbor’s yard that drives you nuts.
5. Tag as many or few people as you like – preferably at least one though.
6. Do it again next month if you like.
Could not be easier, right? I don’t care where you live, what you see when you step out your door is different than what the rest of us see outside ours and that is what makes it interesting.

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4 Responses to Front Door/Back Door Meme – February

  1. Tara says:

    This is an interesting idea!

  2. Char says:

    a cute idea!

  3. Mental P Mama says:

    Our snow is all gone. And the sun is feeling warmer each day. I have the fever!

  4. Country Girl says:

    Our weather has been pretty good lately, more sun than clouds so that is good. It’s actually made me happier. I think.

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