Front Door/ Back Door meme

January 15th means that it is time for the Front Door/Back Door Meme. There isn’t a whole lot of difference between this morning and a month ago – it is cold and snowy and pretty out. And a little lighter which is a good thing – our days are getting longer again already. It was about -5ยบ when I took these – colder than a well-digger’s butt as my Grandmother says. I guess their butts get cold because they are wet? It is one of those sayings that you hear all your life and you know what the person means when they say it, but you don’t think much about what it really means. Well digging is done with a big truck and drill thing now of course, so I would imagine if the well digger’s butts get cold, they could sit in inside the truck with the heat on. But I digress. Anyway – it is really cold here.

Out the front door:front_01_15_09And out the back:back_01_15_09Really frigid mornings are often very beautiful – the cold does something special to the air quality, giving everything a magical glow.

Have you done the Front Door/Back Door Meme? The rules, such as they are, can be founbd below if you would like to join in, plus a link to take a look at past months here.
The guidelines are simple:
This is a photography meme.
1. Step out your front door and take a picture.
2. Step out your back door and take a picture.
3. Put them on your blog, along with the rules.
4. If there are things in the photos that you particularly like or dislike, you can point them out, or just explain what we are seeing. Maybe changes over the seasons or some junk in your neighbor’s yard that drives you nuts.
5. Tag as many or few people as you like – preferably at least one though.
6. Do it again next month if you like.
Could not be easier, right? I don’t care where you live, what you see when you step out your door is different than what the rest of us see outside ours and that is what makes it interesting.

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9 Responses to Front Door/ Back Door meme

  1. Janis says:

    I have heard about the cold well-diggers butt many times from my 92 year old dad. He’s got plenty of funny sayings which have had me asking over the years, “What does that mean?”.

    Beautiful pictures! It looks so quiet and peaceful.

  2. Trisha says:

    Okay – thsoe pictures ALMOST have me longing for snow.

  3. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    I really like the sun through the trees in the second one.

  4. Daryl says:

    We are too poor to have a back door … sniffle .. sigh … but I do love love love the view out of your’s

  5. noble pig says:

    I want some of that snow!

  6. GreenJello says:

    Every time you post your front door/back door photos, I wish I had your house!

    All you’d see from my photos is my neighbors’ houses.

  7. Good Yarns says:

    I hate my front door view so much I just couldn’t! Your pics are wonderful though.

  8. Ashleigh says:

    I’ve heard that saying many times and agree that it’s puzzler but yet…I know what it means. ha. ha.

  9. Trannyhead says:

    I love the way the air looks when it’s really cold. Everything is so much crisper and clearer … now if only my cold hands and feet would agree …

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