We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Life

‘Cause like your computer has gone wacko, man. Like you need to reinstall your OS. And all your programs. Like for working. And stuff. So no blogging for you until that is all taken care of.

The above is the note I got from my life this morning. I will blog a very tasty recipe later today if I get everything working. In the meantime – go enter Fred & Bessie’s giveaway from yesterday, when they suddenly showed up on my doorstep after spending some time in NYC with Daryl.

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5 Responses to We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Life

  1. TSannie says:

    I so feel your pain.

  2. Mental P Mama says:

    Bummer. I hate it when that happens. Going to back up files now.

  3. Flea says:

    Sucks to be you, man. Yell at the computer and give it a swift kick in the CPU. That’ll learn it.

  4. Ashleigh says:

    Ouch! That stinks.

  5. Deb says:

    There is nothing worse than a sick computer. Give it two asprins and call me in the morning. :)

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