The Great Tomato Masa-cree of 2010

Remember back awhile ago? We were finally sure that we would actually have ripe tomatoes this summer. After the zero tomatoes in ’09, it was such a blessing.Fast forward a few weeks and the whole kitchen is full of these babies. SO many of these babies. The pots on the stove simmer endlessly – sauce, stewed, roasted, ketchup, juice, enchilada sauce, salsa – where will it end?I am not quite praying for a frost yet, but it probably won’t belong till I am crying “Uncle!” I’ll have to make sure and come back to look at these photos in January…

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4 Responses to The Great Tomato Masa-cree of 2010

  1. Anna B says:

    I’ve got a pot of fresh marinara on the stove simmering.

    The house smells absolutely luscious!!

    There is nothing like homemade!

  2. Louise says:

    I will be glad to take a few off your hands while Kindle and I visit. Still even happier to take a bunch home with me. Woohoo!

  3. Stephanie says:

    Enjoy them while you got em. Last year they were all over the place, this year I hardly got any because of the heat. I found your blog when I googled refridgerator peppers. They turned out great! Did you ever can any using a hot water bath? Peppers are about the only thing I have a bunch of this year. Thanks for the recipe.

  4. Donalyn says:

    Stephanie – I have done lots of canning, with both a water bath canner and a pressure canner, but for the most part, I freeze my tomato stuff, because it is easier and I also think it tastes better than canned. The pickled stuff keeps for quite awhile in the fridge, and I definitely prefer the crunch from the non-canned type, so I just do that refrigerator version for the peppers and pickles. I am so glad that you enjoyed them.

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