A Conversation

Because I am still too much of a wimp to stand on a sprained knee long enough to take photos of anything I am cooking, I give you the following vignette, which took place last month.

We were all up north for Christmas, and all of the wimmin-folk had taken the kids out for a day of last minute shopping and lunch. We had ourselves a fine time, and Ellyn treated us to lunch at Panera, one of the few chain type restaurants I can still abide. On the way out, we refilled our take-out coffee cups, the better to enjoy their brew for a few minutes more. A little while later, I stayed in the van with the kids while Ellyn and Lauren ran into Lowes for a few stockings stuffers for the guys. The kids and I enjoyed listening to music on radio and talking about this and that, whilst I sipped on my delicious coffee.

Then, as Ellyn and Lauren returned to the vehicle –
Me: Oh Shit!*
Ellyn: MOM!
Me: Oops – sorry, I spilled my coffee.
Ellyn: I don’t care – be more careful.
Me: Sorry. I thought in this case, there might be a variance.
Ellyn: [still giving me the stink-eye] Why would there be a variance?
Me: Well. Because I spilled it in your purse.

*Apparently, no Grandchildren were sullied in the course of this event – I think they were too tired to notice, and to my knowledge they haven’t yet spilled their coffee in someone else’s purse, so we can’t be sure of their reaction to such an event.

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8 Responses to A Conversation

  1. Flea says:

    OMG. Too funny!

    My Hunny loves Panera’s hazelnut coffee.

  2. Kate says:

    Oh, that’s funny! and I loved reading about you spending the day with the wimmin-folk. Lotsa love.
    How’s that knee doing? You still on crutches? Been wondering.

  3. Gail says:

    Hee hee! loved it!… oh sometimes it is just so hard to watch my language when the grandkids are around:)

  4. Louise says:

    LOL too funny. I usually revert to the shhhhhhh-ugar! I taught a few nieces and nephews things their parents did not appreciate. (Hmm probably your kids.)

  5. ellyn says:

    I hope your happy. Mark got kicked out of preschool thanks to you.

  6. Bette N says:

    Where does our good language go when our kids move out anyway? I was so careful around them, but now I have to really think about it to keep myself from spreading bad words to the grandkiddies. Maybe we have more to swear about then we get to be our age? In any case, I loved this little story and I will be back to your blog again.

  7. Pingback: Apple Pie Bars – dlyn

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