Front Door/Back Door August

The middle of the month means it is time for the Front Door/Back Door Meme.

This is a photography meme – an easy fun project.
1. Step out your front door and take a picture.
2. Step out your back door and take a picture.
3. Put them on your blog, along with the rules.
4. If there are things in the photos that you particularly like or dislike, you can point them out, or just explain what we are seeing. Maybe changes over the seasons or some junk in your neighbor’s yard that drives you nuts.
5. Tag as many or few people as you like – preferably at least one though.
6. You can join in anytime and participate in the months following, every once in a while or even just one time if you like.

My previous posts are here, if you haven’t seen them before.

One of these months, I will hit getting this photo taken after we have mowed back here. Still looks nice and calm and peaceful though.
You can see that the sun is getting a little lower in the sky already, leaving the yard in shadows until a little later in the morning.
That’s it – leave me a comment if you are participating this month and you get some photos up, so that I can come and enjoy what it looks like at your house this week.

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3 Responses to Front Door/Back Door August

  1. Ashmystir says:

    I am so jealous of your backdoor view!!


  2. TSannie says:

    Everything is so green this year!

  3. msdewberry says:

    Your back yard is so much more relaxing and inviting than my back yard!! I posted pics of mine on my blog, see if you agree!!

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