Mean as snakes!

So, we are sitting on the porch the other evening, enjoying some refreshing beverages and a few snacks, when the nightly entertainment began. I use that term loosely, because what follows here is so violent that it may be disturbing to sensitive readers. These photos are not going to win me any awards and I am not sure I will ever be a good enough photographer to capture this action clearly. Especially not if I have to set down my glass.

We have this nifty feederfor the hummingbirds on our porch. It is important to mention that this is not the only feeder we have. I am currently keeping 6 feeders filled, spread around the front and back yards. And hummingbirds look like such sweet little things – hovering over flowers on lazy summer afternoons, sipping nectar here, then buzzing over to the next one. Hmmmmmmmm.

Here comes one of those peaceful little fellows now, right?Wrong! He can’t rest and enjoy his refreshing beverage.No, he can only take a quick fenzied sip and then anxiously scan his surroundings, from one side……to the other.Because someone is watching him.Someone not content to visit one of the other 5 feeders, or even one of the open perches on this feeder.Nope. “Dude, I want what you’ve got!”And I’m going to get it……now!Though chasing you off is the number one thing on my agenda right now.This goes on, literally, all day long and into the evening. It’s very entertaining, but aren’t you glad you’re not a hummingbird?

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18 Responses to Mean as snakes!

  1. Wonderful World of Weiners says:

    Apparently sharing is not taught in hummingbird school?

    Hallie :)

    (btw, I’d beat the crap out of anyone that tried to chase me away from my Diet Coke!)

  2. Debbie says:

    I was waiting for snake pictures…thank goodness you surprised me. I think it’s amazing photography and I must get one of those feeders :)

    I’ve never seen two together fighting!

  3. Mental P Mama says:

    Mean little suckers, aren’t they? But so beautiful to watch.

  4. Ellyn says:

    I love to watch them. You forgot the peril you put yourself in by sitting on the porch.
    Great pictures for how very fast they are.

  5. Trisha says:

    Territorial little buggers! Why just drink at another feeder when you can show your dominance?

  6. Ness says:

    They’re about as territorial as my two dachsies. We’ve been playing “Run the Dachsie out of the Beanbag”(there are a total of 3 and only 2 dachsies so you do the math…

    I thought snakes were going to be involved as well and I was ready to bolt!

  7. noble pig says:

    Hey you got some great shots here! Nice!

  8. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    Clearly a case of the Napoleon sydrome–little man has to prove his power.

    Great photos.

  9. CM says:

    You mean to tell me that my kids are not the only ones that act that way around food?

    Okay …. it’s been awhile since you’ve been asked a gardening question ….. what’s the difference between a Haricot Vert and a Green Bean? ….. (besides the fact that our cafeteria can charge 1.95 when they are called Haricot Verts … other veggies are .85 – 1.10, green beans are .85 …. I’m eating some Haricot Verts now and they are delicious.)

  10. Sara says:

    Man that is so crazy! I think I’m too much of a softy because I would want to protect the poor bird that was just minding his own business.

    Yeah, I’m obviously never going on an African safari. Imagine how I’d feel for those poor gazelle…


  11. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    we watch ours nightly and we have 4 feeders around the house … no less than 8 birds will chase screech dive bomb and even chase the wood peckers off the woodpecker blocks… we laugh we duck and you bet we NEVER EVER let the feeders become empty as they will come two inches from my face and scream at me! I need to try to get more pictures … Love LOVE yours!
    HUgs laura

  12. graceunbound says:

    I love that your blog is such a combination of seriousness and hilarity, topped off with a heaping helping of yummy food.


  13. TSannie says:

    I had great fun watching the hummingbird wars at my uncle’s home several years ago. It is incredible how FIERCE they are! Warriors, simply warriors!

  14. Tonjia says:

    I agree with Hallie, no one better lay a finger on my diet pepsi!

    our hummingbirds this year are like phantoms. they must come in the middle of the night. The hummingbird goodie juice is gone but we havent seen the birds!

    we saw a lot of them last year.. Love your pics, you caught some great action shots.

  15. Bear Naked says:

    Those are wonderful photos of the hummingbirds.
    I never realized they are so territorial.

    Bear((( )))

  16. Carin says:

    It can be pretty scary if you get in their way. I hate working in the yard when they get crazy like that. I’m always afraid they’re going to poke me in my eye! This year I am trying something new, put all the feeders near each other. I saw something like that on YouTube and it was pretty cool. Just an idea.

  17. Flea says:

    Good night Irene! Seriously? Your grandkids need to teach them a lesson. :)

  18. Krysta says:

    i had a hummingbird that dive bombed me the other night just because i got to close to the feeder.

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