It’s What’s for Breakfast!

Fresh nectarine yogurt and lots of coffee! Have a good day!

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11 Responses to It’s What’s for Breakfast!

  1. Ness says:

    Sounds great!

    And you’re sending mine to me when?

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Ellyn says:

    sounds yummy…So do the pickles.

  3. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    yummmmmmmmmmmmm i want some too!

  4. Sara says:

    Ok, I’m about to sound like the biggest idiot ever to post on your blog, but how do you make “fresh yogurt”? Doesn’t it just come in a plastic jar and say Yoplait???

    (I know it sounds like I’m joking, but I really am curious.)



  5. CM says:

    Mmmmmm – add that to the “things to make when CM comes to visit!! …. you’re just like Grandam K …. makin’ your own yogurt. It’s true Sara, it can really be done.

    Your’e blog has loaded very slowly the last couple of days …. have you changed anything? I’ve tried it on both the PC and my Mac (can both of those words be in the same sentence and get along?) and it’s slow on both. It could be the systmes here at work.

  6. noble pig says:

    You made this? How? tell us!

  7. dlyn says:

    While I can and have made yogurt many times, this particular yogurt did come from Dannon. It is fat free plain Dannon. The nectarines are fresh – I cut them up and put them there myself, along with some vanilla and a little Splenda®. Now I feel bad – I should have gotten up in the middle of the night and made real, fresh yogurt. Seriously, I never buy the premixed stuff – it is so much cheaper to mix up plain yogurt, fruit, sweetener and flavoring. And it tastes waaaaaaaaaaay better. Even if I didn’t make the yogurt myself ;)

  8. Olly says:

    Mmmm that does sound good. I was afraid to look – thought you might be talking about eggs. Don’t get me started on that. Gross.

  9. Olly says:

    Mmmm that does sound good. I was afraid to look – thought you might be talking about eggs. Don’t get me started on that. Gross.

  10. Jules says:

    That looks so yummy, and here it is dinner time.
    But something without sugar…… having visions of chocolate………!!!

  11. Flea says:

    See, I like only the lemon and lime yogurts, so I buy them pre-mixed. My mom made yogurt when I was growing up and I’ve always wanted to make my own, but we don’t eat enough of it. Yours looks good!

    Seriously, you’re a Heath Ledger fan? He wasn’t Heath in The Dark Knight. He was pure Joker. Honestly, he’s incredible.

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