“My Day” -otherwise known as scatterbrained

Some days, I have all the power of concentration of a gnat on a hot frying pan.

I start out with good intentions.

Trying to get this white sandwich bread recipe just right. It still needs work.breadCan squash be art? If the answer is yes, that would be a good thing since I have somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty assorted squashes waiting to be cooked. I have a feeling Larry would not like the idea of turning them into works of art though – he wants to eat them for Pete’s sake! squashA bit of straightening up in the pantry reveals that I definitely don’t need to buy molasses again for awhile. I hope I can actually remember that when I am in the store. “Did I need molasses, or do I have a lot? I better get some, just in case.” Which is how I ended up with this much in the first place.molassesIn the midst of making fajitas for dinner…fajitas…the light on this tree catches my eye. I did remember to turn the burners on the stove off at least.sunny treeI would add a comment here about how getting old is hell, but I have always been this easily distracted, so I can’t blame it on my age. So tell me – what is distracting you these days?

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7 Responses to “My Day” -otherwise known as scatterbrained

  1. Trisha says:

    Sounds like my kind of day! At least we get to see some interesting pictures!

  2. Ashleigh says:

    Everything distracts me…especially photography, pets, blogs, flickrr, food and. and.

    and..what was I talking about again?


  3. Kate says:

    You smokin’ whatcher growin’?

    Just teasin’. I am easily distracted, too. I’ll turn the kettle on and forget I did. I have to force myself to stand by the sink while I’m filling it for washing dishes because if I walk away, something will catch my eye and then . . . I used to think it was getting old, too. But like you, I’ve always been this way.
    I like to call it my artistic temperament. That sounds plausible, doesn’t it?

  4. Roberta says:

    LOL! Everything seems to distract me.

  5. Luce says:

    You can have an amen from me as well. I can’t remember a thing anymore and it takes next to nothing to send me wandering down some bunny trail. I say we just relax and go with it!

  6. Donalyn says:

    Welcome Roberta & Luce – I love seeing comments from new readers. I hope I can be a distraction from whatever it is you are supposed to be doing :)

    And ladies – I am always glad to hear that I am not alone in my myriad faults. It’s a relief.

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