
Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself, on the earth”; and it was so. Genesis 1:11

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10 Responses to Sunday

  1. Karen says:

    What a great photo!!!

  2. Tonjia says:

    beautiful!!! thank you for the scripture…

  3. HeyJules says:


  4. CM says:

    God is so good!

    I couldn’t check things out today without making a comment. You don’t usually hear from me on the weekend …. (a much needed break I’m sure). ; ) …. but I am working today and just have to make a comment!
    Love, CM

  5. Lauren says:

    Thanks mom I love the picture.

  6. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    What a terrific photograph to go with that verse. I love the blurry background that lets us know the grass goes on and on.

  7. noble pig says:


  8. Ashmystir says:

    great message and awesome pic.


  9. addhumorandfaith says:


  10. Lori says:


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