Sunday Sky

I am always undecided about Sundays with my blog. I’m a Christian, so should they be all about my faith, since it’s the Lord’s Day? Take the day off entirely? What?

I am thinking that while Lauren is in Iraq, maybe I will make it a day to show her one really nice photo of home and to remind people to be praying for her and everyone in the military, no matter where they are. So I will try that this week. This is the sky – to the north end of our valley and I am pretty sure I was standing on the front steps of our porch. It is a view that Lauren saw just about every day for 19 years.

And I will probably also harass you to go and say hello on her new, but developing blog . She puts out a little slice of life as often as she can and she is pretty darned funny too. Go say hi, ok?

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11 Responses to Sunday Sky

  1. Mental P Mama says:

    Beautiful. Tombstone Annie and I have started doing a Sunday Serenity post, too. I think it is the right thing to do. Going to say hi to another Lauren.;)

  2. Country Girl says:

    I like the idea of a Sunday Serenity post. This is a good picture for it. I’ll stop by to say hello to Lauren, too!

  3. Tara says:

    beautiful picture!

    I find Sunday’s probably the LEAST restful day of my week since my husband is a pastor and dragging all three of my kids to church is a nightmare. Ever tried to keep your kids sitting down quietly while daddy is just a few feet away surrounded by super cool music equipment that is just BEGGING to be played?

    So I end up watching the kids outside the sanctuary the whole time. The spend the rest of my day on my own with the kids while hubby works. All day.

    Monday is much more restful for us!

  4. noble pig says:

    How lovely this to Lauren.

  5. pam says:

    My God, that is an awe inspiring picture. Thank you. Off to visit Lauren.

  6. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    Beautiful picture…. Sundays serentity… sounds wonderufl to me I may have to do that too!
    off to visit Lauren…

  7. Flea says:

    Beautiful! I’m glad you didn’t capture the sky HERE this morning. Driving home from church in a hurricane in Tulsa was quite an experience. At least, it seemed like a hurricane to me …

  8. longneck says:

    Hi, thanks for finding my blog :) I love your pictures!

  9. Norma says:

    I think this is an excellent idea.

  10. Ness says:

    Beautiful picture. That picture would make a beautiful screensaver. Off to say hi to Lauren.

  11. bichonpawz says:

    Awesome photo and a view that Lauren will probably treasure while she is away!

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