A boy and his dandelions

Even a very masculine, truck playing, lego tunnel building, tool belt wearing, ball catching little boy appreciates a field full of flowers. A field where no one is telling him to be careful about what he is stepping on and he can run to his heart’s content.fieldNot only can you walk and run wherever you like, you can pick a bunch of these flowers and no one gets at all upset.pickThat sap stuff is a little stickystickyBut these flowers make us laughlaughAnd maybe even dancedance

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13 Responses to A boy and his dandelions

  1. Flea says:

    I love his little dance. :) It’s quite alright for little boys to love dandelion fields. As long as they keep those fluffy things out of my yard.

  2. HeyJules says:

    I bet I know what you’re getting for mother’s day!!!

  3. Tara says:

    love it!

  4. addhumorandfaith says:

    Absolutely adorable. I can just picture that little crumpled bunch of flowers in a vase in the middle of grandma’s table. It doesn’t get any better than that.

    Happy Birthday and tomorrow Happy Mother’s (and Grandma’s) Day!


  5. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    Great photos. I love when you manage to capture innocent kid moments!

  6. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    Great photos. I love when you manage to capture innocent kid moments!

  7. Olly says:

    They are always so sweet when they are picking flowers. Even from the neighbours yards, lol

  8. Anonymous says:

    I also notice that he is an “Ace Pilot”. What a great accomplishment for such a young man.


  9. Angie says:

    How funny! I have a similar picture as my new header! :) My little ones get plastic baggies and collect as many as they can.

  10. Beth from the Funny Farm says:

    Happy Mother’s day to you!

  11. Ashmystir says:

    Awwww..wonderfully sweet photos. You have a super cute grandson there. =)

  12. Chris says:

    Now that is one sweet sweet grandson! I love these pictures~~

  13. Pingback: In Defense of Dandelions – dlyn

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