A few more for Wednesday

A male White Throated Sparrow – we see lots of these guysA tuberous Begonia that is going to live on our front porch this summer

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9 Responses to A few more for Wednesday

  1. olivia says:

    That sparrow is beautiful w/ all the colours — nicely captured!

  2. Anonymous says:

    That begonia is my absolute favorite you have posted. I love the color. It is just beautiful.



  3. Sara says:

    Hi! Just wanted to say how beautiful the pics are! LOVE the begonia! Gorgeous color!

  4. Chris says:

    amazing bird pic and flower photo! You rock!

  5. imbeingheldhostage says:

    Oh my! See, like these (can you tell I’m reading backwards?). Absolutely stunning.

  6. HeyJules says:

    Begonias steal my heart. They are so rich and luscious, aren’t they?

  7. dlyn says:

    I am sure there will be pics of that begonia as the summer goes by. I usually get a lot of the smaller ones – they do well in the shadier parts of my yard and give me some great color all summer. I really splurged on this one though – the blooms are about 5 inches across. It was a whole $7.50 at the plant nursery!

  8. Country Girl says:


  9. addhumorandfaith says:

    Beautiful pictures!

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