Apple Blossoms

Pretty aren’t they?

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8 Responses to Apple Blossoms

  1. Ness says:

    I think this is the prettiest picture yet! Thanks for sharing. How are all your kids doing?

  2. dlyn says:

    Thanks Ness – so glad you like it. The kids are all well – Lauren is on a 4 day leave and sometime in the next two weeks [they don’t even know until just a day or two prior usually] they will be leaving for Kuwait and about 10 days after that, on to Iraq. She is glad to be finally going and getting it over with and she is even talking about re-enlisting in the Reserves next year. Ellyn and the kids are still here while her husband works up north and they wait for the closing on their house – so we get to spoil the grandkids for a few weeks more.

  3. Dr.John says:

    Reminds me of looking out the back window at the big apple tree when I was growing up.

  4. Ashmystir says:

    yes…they are VERY pretty. =)

  5. Flea says:

    They’re beautiful. :) Mine have tiny apples on them now. It’s my first apple tree and I’m SO EXCITED!

  6. addhumorandfaith says:


  7. Tara says:


  8. Lori says:

    GOR-JUSS! I need a new adjetive, but it just fits your photos!

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