
In order to satisfy the ever increasing demand of you, my blog readers, with more exciting and cutting edge content, I have risked life and limb to bring you these photos.Fierce snakes like these aren’t found just anywhere. One must tramp through jungles filled with rapacious and aggressive wildlife to track them down. I believe my willingness to risk my very life demonstrates my dedication to the world of blogging.Okay. So they are garter snakes and they are in the creek that runs right next to my house. And their main goal in life was to get as far away from me as snakily possible. However, there were 3 of them, leaving me greatly outnumbered and I did break a nail climbing down in there, so I think the self-sacrificing thing still applies.And this was just rude.

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20 Responses to Snnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!

  1. Tara says:

    bwahahaha. You rock.

    And I wouldn’t go near snakes even for blogging. I hate snakes. They terrify me.

  2. Beth from the Funny Farm says:

    Thank you for the wonderful CREEP OUT! :-D I hate them things!

  3. McSwain says:

    Garter snakes or not, they still creep me out. Yuck.

  4. dlyn says:

    I am wierd – I actually like snakes. Now spiders – it is doubtful you will see any close ups [or far-offs for that matter] of spiders.

    [my daughter predicted that a lot of people would not appreciate photos of snakes :) ]

  5. Olly says:

    I would way more want to be terrorized by Godzilla Baby!

  6. Meredith says:

    You are a braver blogger than I.

  7. Flea says:

    What beauties! I want one!

    We had a garter that the neighbor kid hit with the mower. A chunk of his head was missing when the kids came by asking if we could save it. We had it for nearly a year, the dent in it’s head healed, I fed it goldfish. He took out my thumb one day when I ran out of goldfish. They’re nearsighted, I think. And he wouldn’t let go! I finally filled the sink and held him under till he had to let go of my thumb to come up for air.

    He escaped one day in spring, through a small hole in the door frame, we think. Back ot his world.

  8. Barb says:

    Wow, I just found a comment you left on my blog in FEBRUARY and tracked you back. I missed your comment then because we were moving to this here great state of yours and I was certifiable.

    I’m still certifiable but I’m here. And I love your blog!


  9. Flea says:

    Hey, I have it on good authority that the cows are headed toward New York. Posted about it at Formica Fields. Keep an eye out for them, will ya?

  10. dlyn says:

    Wow – I sure will! We have a lot of cows in this state though, so I hope I will be able to pick them out of the crowd.

  11. Ashmystir says:

    well I hope you used your zoom lens to take these pics cuz they sure scare me.


  12. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    Aw, for me? You shouldn’t have! Really, it wasn’t necessary. ;-)

  13. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    Aw, for me? You shouldn’t have! Really, it wasn’t necessary. ;-)

  14. Lori says:

    Wow. I will not be telling hubby about your snakes. He hates them and we have a creek. If he hears that they like to live near creeks there’ll be no getting him off of the roof.
    We have an arrangement: I will save him from any snakes and he will save me from any cockroaches. So far, I am the only one who has cashed in on this deal.

  15. HeyJules says:

    Eeewww! I saw my first one this weekend. BLECH! Hate those little suckers!

  16. CM says:

    Yah right! ….Okay ….. very brave … with your 10X zoom …. 200 feet away …. that would be me!

    Now do what Flea did … that would be brave. I couldn’t have made it to the sink becasue I would have been passed out!


  17. dlyn says:

    Actually, I had the 50mm lens on the camera so i have to get really really close to them. I was wishing for the telephoto lens but it was in the house.

  18. Country Girl says:

    I have a snake story. I was sitting outside with a friend who really doesn’t get into the nature thing. She just does not. Would never, ever, camp. We’re sitting by a tree in my backyard, when a snake comes slithering down the tree and proceeds to travel through the grass towards the pond area. I casually mentioned that there was a snake there and she JUMPED UP and SCREAMED and said HOW COULD YOU LIVE LIKE THIS!!!

  19. imbeingheldhostage says:

    Cheeky little bugger, isn’t he? Is he sticking his tongue out in rudeness or doing a pre-tasting?
    I posted a snake story about a week ago, but my snake picture came with a warning label for people with weak stomaches. ;-)

  20. olivia says:

    Wonderful! I appreciate the risk you took to capture these photos … hehe. And I love the insolent one at the end w/ the nice bright red tongue … :)

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