Woods the Through and Hill the Over

We’re home once again. The weather driving, as expected was atrocious. It reminded me of going to MA in 2001, when all the kids went with us. I think that is the last time we went to Louise & Scott’s house rather than them coming here. Anyway – it was shortly after 9/11 of course and I was struck by the normalcy of the travelers on the road with us. There were a lot of American flags on all the cars and there was a sort of affinity among all of us strangers. But mainly I had this sense of the persistance of doing what we always do – get together with people we love to celebrate our blessings. This year on the way there, in between fearing for my life as gi-normous trucks blew past us with gallons of rain water spewing off of them and into our windshield, I thought a lot about that other trip and the changes since. Even from the highway, at night you can see into some houses and lives, in a way that you can’t in the daytime. Families putting up Christmas decorations and watching TV and eating a meal together. Fast flashes of people’s personal cinema. Normal. Ordinary. But such a blessing. One we take for granted most of the time, but even that fact is a blessing in itself – because we can.

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