
Jen tagged me this morning, so I better do it now or I will forget.
Here are the rules.
(1) Link to the person that tagged you.
(2) Post the rules on your blog.
(3) Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
(4) Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
(5) Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.

Here are six quirky things about me:
1. The color yellow makes me feel good. Orange makes me feel good too. Blue does not.
2. I can’t stand the sight of socks hanging off the ends of feet, the way little kids let them do. I was always telling the girls to pull up their socks. Sometimes Larry will sit around with his socks pulled half way off his feet and wait for me notice.
3. I am scared of heights. Even pictures taken from high places make my feet sweat and feel all squinchy.
4. The older I get, the spicier I like my food. Pretty soon, I will just squirt lighter fluid in my mouth and toss in a match.
5. I am amused by watching Larry eat spicy food. He likes it, but it makes his forehead sweat.
6. I am never still. I am always jogging a foot, or tapping my nails or fiddling around with something. Too bad I don’t turn this into something productive, like cleaning the refrigerator or getting on the elliptical.

I am tagging:
Kelly, My sister [she says no one ever visits her – now we can all go find out some stuff about her. tell her I said hi ;)], Paige Jennifer, Ness, Flea, and my firstest blogging bud ever Penni.

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14 Responses to Tagged

  1. Flea says:

    Thanks for the tag! I love that your hunny does that with his socks! And I love to wear yellow, orange AND blue!Red? Not so much.

  2. Paige says:

    Thanks for the comment on my blog! I went to high school in Rome. My dad was stationed at Griffiss AFB before it went kaput. I would love to get back to visit, but not in the winter!! Oh, and it bugs me when socks are hanging off, too. You would think the kids would be more bothered by it…

  3. Dee/reddirtramblings says:

    I love spicier food now too. Also, the jiggling of your feet burns calories, so I think it is good for something. (I do it too.)~~Dee

  4. Kelly says:

    I made my list…That was fun, Thanks.

    We can still be friends even though you don’t like my favorite color.

    I am with you on the socks thing though.

  5. Lori says:

    I love number 4. Laughed out loud. My hubby has always spiced up his food. We have to stock up on Jalapenos like other people buy bread or milk! I really wonder what he tastes anymore!

  6. Paige Jennifer says:

    I love being still. So much so that I have yet to lift my fingers to actually answer the questions asked. Though not so still that I haven’t enjoyed two glasses of…oops, make that three glasses of wine tonight.

  7. CM says:

    squinchy? … will I find that on Dictionary.com like I found nefarious?

    Tell Larry when I eat very hot things it makes the bald spot on top of my head sweat.

    The socks thing used to bother me with the kids but I now have three teenage boys and I am not noticing their socks because I’m more preoccupied with telling them to pull up their pants, do they have a belt on, and in the winter … zip up your coat (if they happen to wear one when it is 20 degrees!) I don’t know what it is with teenagers and coats but somewhere along the line there is an unwritten rule that it is uncool to wear apporpriate clothing for the season and wear it properly.

    Good luck with the weather ….. it’s 60 here now, soon to be 70, in Fruitland Park (better known as Atatula, or something like that.)

    I enjoyed the photos!


  8. teeveebee says:

    Hi dlyn,
    You stopped by my blog and left a comment, so I thought I’d return the favor!

    Loved your 7 quirky things post. I too am “always moving. Must be some metabolic quirk or something.Oh, and your photos are beautiful!

    I’ll visit again. Keep up the good work!

  9. ~m2~ says:

    i will get to it, i promise – my molly has been pretty sick with mono and we are heading to the hospital today for some delicious i.v. fluids and medications.

    :: sigh ::

    (on another note – can you believe she is now a freshman in high school! does time fly or what?)

  10. Alison says:

    I’m with you on the socks and heights!!

  11. Amy says:

    just reading about your fear of heights makes me feel all squinchy.

  12. Olly says:

    I loved number 4. Why haven’t I thought of that before. Think of all the money I’d save on spices, lol

  13. Melissa says:

    I love that colors make you feel good. Blue is not my favorite either.

    Squirting lighter fluid and lighting a match would be bad for your health but it sure was funny as heck.

    Thanks for the smile!!

  14. Paige Jennifer says:

    Under the guidelines of better late than never, I just did this! Tres fun so thanks for including me in the mix!

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