Ellyn takes some pictures

When we were down in Virginia for Christmas, I did a lot of fooling around with my little point and shoot Nikon, trying to perfect taking shots without using the flash. I had mixed results and right after we got home I got the new camera anyway, which has kept me busy ever since.

Ellyn’s point and shoot is a Canon and a better quality camera than my old one so she decided to see what she could do with it during lunch one day last week. You have to have subjects that hold somewhat still if you are going to take natural light photos and like most people in our family, when you shove food in front of the kids, it slows them down at least a little.

I confess to do doing a bit of tweaking with these, to remove some squashed peas and a bugger or two, but I think she did very well:

Of course I might be a little biased due to the subject matter.

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4 Responses to Ellyn takes some pictures

  1. Kelly says:

    What adorable grandchildren you have! Hope you’re feeling better.

  2. dlyn says:

    Thanks – and I feeling better – thanks for that too! :)

  3. Angie says:

    Cute, cute, cute!

  4. Weezee says:

    Oh my gosh they are the cutest!!!!!

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