Not going to live up to his potential

Surrounded by overachievers, he jumped off the vine too soon.

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14 Responses to Not going to live up to his potential

  1. Ellyn says:

    oh poor little guy.

  2. Ashmystir says:

    Awww…I’ve never felt bad for a tomato…until now!

    Funny! =D

  3. PG says:

    Oh the shame! There’s one in every family.

  4. Mental P Mama says:

    Oh, but he’s so cute!

  5. Flea says:

    Poor widdle baby mater. Died before his time.

  6. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    It’s not easy being green.

  7. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    i have had quite a few do that this year… i set them out side on the wall just to see if they would ever be red a few did but most just were sad… so they got a quick trip to the woods… over arm or side arm style depending on the human working them :D

  8. Sara says:

    It never ceases to amaze me how you find a real story to fit a bowl of abstract vegetables.

    Love your brain.


  9. tj says:

    …Yeah, I agree with ‘Sara’ up there…I love the way you think. There’s always a nice surprise when I visit here…

    …Cute post!

    …Blessings… :o)

  10. CM says:

    Hmm ….. kind of reminds of a certain presidential candidate.

  11. noble pig says:

    Poor thing!!

  12. Carin says:

    WA ha ha ha. Too great. Flea and CM also had me laughing!

    PS- Maybe I could find it on your blog but if not… what lens did you use?

  13. Country Girl says:

    ha! you are funny.

  14. TSannie says:

    He looks like a Japanese Lantern. Maybe you should use him too. A bit of tartness???

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