Wednesday again – with a word or two

All from the garden this week. The hummingbirds love monarda, which is the main reason I grow. Monarda is a bully, trying to take over area it can. But I just keep yanking it out and leaving enough so that we get to enjoy the hummingbirds. This variety is call “Jacob Kline” which is disease resistant. They remind me of fireworks.monarda_07_07A just opening bud on a coneflower “Magnus”.coneflowerbud1 I hate spiders. Really really really. But this is pretty. Except for the part about a spider having made it. I didn’t see the spider, but I know it is out there.spider_webThese are “volunteers” – which means that they came up all on their own. Some kind of coneflower – I love the jungle-like profusion. They are everywhere and if I like them, I will move most of them to a better spot.coneflowerbud2The rock star of the shade garden right now – “Golden Queen” Trolius.trolius07_06

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13 Responses to Wednesday again – with a word or two

  1. Ashmystir says:

    I love the pics especially how the green really pops right out. That is one cool spider web there. Good luck in avoiding it’s maker. lol.


  2. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    Beautiful. I especially like that monarda shot and the spider web. I hate spiders too though, even though I know they eat insects. I always react badly to their bites. (Not life threatening–just horried raised welts.)

  3. Hol&J says:

    Beautiful photos! I really enjoyed the spiderweb, although I don’t care for spiders either. Thanks for the comment on my 5 things post.

  4. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    Gorgeous photos.

    Can you believe I can’t get my Monarda to take off? It’s miserable.

  5. Burgh Baby's Mom says:

    Gorgeous photos.

    Can you believe I can’t get my Monarda to take off? It’s miserable.

  6. Bear Naked says:

    Beautiful photos.
    The spider web photo is wonderful.


  7. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    as always fantastic photos I wanna be like you when I grow up :D
    HUGS Laura

  8. Lori says:

    When your page loaded, I could only see the top half of that Monarda and I expected to scroll down and see that you had a rooster! Curious looking plant!
    I love the Trolius! I need more color in my shady spots and will have to take notes from your blog next planting season!

  9. Dr.John says:

    Even your weeds ( volunteers) are better than mine.

  10. noble pig says:

    Oh wow, it looks so cool in that shade garden…love it.

  11. Trisha says:

    Beautiful pictures and flowers! I am still waiting for mine to get going. I do have one clematis bloom currently. I hate waiting.

    Ijust sent off two packages to Lauren. I have no idea how long it will take for them to get there or if the contents will be okay but . . . it is worth a shot.

  12. HeyJules says:

    Great spiderweb image dlyn!!! Wow!

  13. imbeingheldhostage says:

    These are lovely photos– I really like the spider web (I like wondering where the owner of it is hiding too.. bwahaha).

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