Wednesday, not exactly wordless

Remember a couple weeks ago, when I was ranting at the robins? I showed this nest which had some very tiny baby robins. This photo was taken a week and a half later. Sadly, when I went to check on their progress about a week after that, the nest was empty. I’d like to think that they were big enough to have been fledged from the nest, but I think instead it is a case of the less pretty side of nature and something got them.A Daybreaker Gazania – one of my all time favorite container flowers.Still not enough flowers in the garden to get any good natural looking shots of the hummingbirds, but I can get lots of these. I was standing less than 3 feet away when I took this. A very cool feeling!A bud on the “jackamanii” clematis out front. I love the texture.This little guy is a Colorado Potato Beetle. Pretty but very bad to have around your garden! See those little dots on his shell? It looks like he was stitched together, doesn’t it?The first few open daisy blooms.

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18 Responses to Wednesday, not exactly wordless

  1. Ellyn says:

    I lovethe shot of the beetle. He kind of looks cute close up, even though he is an awful little creature. I can hear him out there munching on your flower right now.

  2. Ashmystir says:

    Ok Dlyn! Fess up! You’ve been going to Home Depot’s garden section and the local aviary to take the fab pics right? Ha. ha.

    they are gorgeous!


  3. Wonderful World of Weiners says:

    Awesome pics. I choose to believe the robins flew away. I will not believe they were eaten!!

    Hallie :)

  4. Jan & Tom's Place says:


    Glad to have you included in our Blog Give-Away…whether it’s your FIRST visit or 100th!!!


  5. Sarah@Life in the Parsonage says:

    Wow! What amazing pictures!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hmmm, will we ever know the fate of that Potato Beetle? I have a feeling he may really need to be stitched up now. :D

    Beautiful pictures once again, dlyn.


  7. Olly says:

    Love the hummingbird!

  8. Weezee says:

    Lovely pics the realities of nature aside.
    I agree Janis, that potato beetle is toast.

  9. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    beautifful pics… most of my humming bird pics are taken at the feeders they just dont be still long enough other wise… I do have a couple cool flying shots though… they are tough to get great shots of!
    Hugs Laura

  10. Flea says:

    You are so amazingly patient and persistent with the camera. I love the beetle shot. You may keep him at your house. :)

  11. asthmagirl says:

    We watched a crow do the unthinkable to a robin’s nest last weekend while we were in Canada. Sometimes nature is not pretty. And crows are nasty.

  12. Dr.John says:

    Great pictures. I hope the baby birds did just fly away.
    I liked the picture of the bug but I don’t like the bug. I used to raise potatoes in a little garden back of the house.

  13. CM says:

    Great pics! … as usual! I love Gazanias. I got one Sunday but I gave it to my neighbor, who has more time than me to care for flowers. (He’s retired) I got the Gazania by joining the Friends of Powell Gardens. Ramona and I made it out to the Botannical Gardens on Sunday and it was a perfect day. The daylilies were just a bloomin’. You know who they made me think of! … and no, I didn’t take my camera, I was just trying to spend time with my wife and not be worried about picture taking the entire time.

  14. Beth says:

    OHH!!!! I am gonna ad you to my google reader list! LOVE your photography! your blog is so cute!
    are you blog friends with my sarah?

  15. Country Girl says:


  16. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    I love the humming bird and the beetle shots.

    I hope your baby birds are ok. Smokey found one in our yard yesterday–no feathers yet, and the eyes weren’t open. It was still writhing on the ground. It was all I could do to drag the dog away. The bird died later in a violent rainstorm. Sometimes nature is cruel.

  17. Gypsy Root says:

    Wonderful pics…I LOVE the hummingbird!!!!

  18. Gill - That British Woman says:

    Do you have any Blue Jays around, as they are devils for taking baby birds?

    I put up a Hummingbird Feeder, but I have never seen a Hummingbird here in Southern Ontario. I asked my dad and he said the same thing he hasn’t seen any either.

    When we were on vacation in Blue Ridge Georgia last year they had loads of Hummingbirds, it was neat to see.

    You take beautiful photos.


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