Another Wild Wednesday

Well. not all that wild actually. Since Larry’s Dad had to retire a bit abruptly, we find ourselves with a big hayfield that needs mowing. A lot of neighbors will be happy to do it for us in exchange for part of the hay. but the weather is not cooperating and they are behind on making their own hay, so they haven’t had time to get to ours. So there it sits – maturing past it’s prime and blowing all kinds of undesirable seeds into our our yard and gardens. But, I am a “make lemonade when handed lemons” kind of gal, so I keep going over and taking photos of all the different “stuff” in there.

This is alfalfa [I had to ask Larry – I’ve lived on a farm for the last 25 years and still don’t know these things. I get allergic, smelling hay*]. I love all the blues and purples in there.You could take 500 pics of bumblebees on clover if you wanted to. Not that I did that, but if you wanted to, you certainly could.Or you could find some real pretty clover without a bumblebee on it. [despite the pink in it, Larry assures me this is called “white clover”]Neither of us knows what this is – some weed no doubt, but it looks lovely in the late day light.And the whole field is just swarming with these little guys – “Least Skipper” butterflies. They are very photogenic and hold still nicely to have their picture taken.Even though it is a beautiful sight with the sun shining on it while we are sitting on the porch with a glass of wine every evening, I hope we can get someone to come and cut it pretty soon, because it is becoming more unsightly by the day and I have had just about enough lemonade, thankyouverymuch. Have a great Wednesday!

*name that TV show

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14 Responses to Another Wild Wednesday

  1. Ashmystir says:


  2. Bear Naked says:

    More wonderful photos.
    Thank you.
    Love the photo of the butterfly.

  3. Ellyn says:

    I love the clover. Very pretty and tasty too. We can’t keep the stuff out of Anna’s mouth. I figure the extra fiber is good for her.

  4. Good Yarns says:

    The Chores…The Stores!
    I love ya darling, but give me Park Avenue!

    I spend many hours watching TV as a kid. :-)

    I for one, am enjoying the view of your field from here!

  5. TSannie says:

    Your wheat for Wordless Wednesday also works for Mrs. Nesbitt’s ABC Wednesday! We’re up to W this week.

    Your pictures are wonderful! Had no idea alfalfa blooms were that pretty! Love your cloverhead pictures.

    Happy day!

  6. Weezee says:

    “Green Acres we are there!”
    Had to finish that.
    The alfalfa is beautiful and Ellyn I understand about Anna and the clover, Kindle loves them too. I guess babies are babies!

  7. Amanda says:

    The only flower I seem to identify correctly, most of the time, is rose…so you are WAY up on me…

    But I do enjoy your photography and choice of subjects!

    God bless-

  8. Dr.John says:

    Beautiful pictures. I loved the bee on the flower. I do hope your hay gets harvested soon.

  9. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    Love the clover i also love the taste of it but must always be certian that no bees are on the head i want LOL… the alfalfa is pretty too! and the flutterfly great none will hold still long enough here for me to capture a pic of them :) Great pics as always !

  10. Pat - An Arkansas Stamper says:

    Great photos! Lots of folks would be happy to know you have bees at your place. Abraham Lincoln (real name) at Brookville Daily Photo blog was becrying the lack of bees at his place just in the last day or so.
    Hope your hay get cut soon.

  11. Flea says:

    Greeeeeeen Acres is the place to be!

    Hey, garden question. What likes to eat hosta? I have some new hosta coming up and it’s being nibbled.

  12. Country Girl says:

    WOW! That’s what I’m thinking. That little Least Skipper is awesome, Dlyn.

  13. dlyn says:

    Thanks everyone – when they cut it, I will have to find something else to take pictures of – and bitch about!

    Flea – the most likely culprit for hosta munching are slugs. I out out a pet-safe slug killing sorta stuff. Do you have slugs in Oooooooooooooooooooooklahoma?

  14. Kathy says:

    We have those skippers all over, too. I think the weed is a kind of cinquefoil (potentilla).

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