Wednesday gets here fast!

As is usual when there is a Monday holiday, I am a day off for the whole rest of the week. So, only time for a few shots today.
One of the few “blowers” that Mark has not picked and dispensed all over the yard already. I am saving a bunch of the seeds to spread over his parents’ lawn once they get moved. He needs a good supply of them right at home, don’t you think?
Because of the way we are situated in our valley, we really don’t see a lot of rainbows here, but we got a nice double one late last week.A corner of my back shade gardenWe came home from the family Memorial Day cookout through the state forest that runs along the top of Larry’s folks’ farm. These are wild azaleas and I was thrilled to see them.

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13 Responses to Wednesday gets here fast!

  1. Dr.John says:

    Your place is looking pretty good. Nice pictures.

  2. Ashmystir says:

    Love the photos.


  3. CM says:

    I have these mental pictures of poor Larry, who has to slam on the brakes and try to carefully back-up on the road to let you tumble out of the van to get that perfect shot ….. thanks for sharing them with us. They make my day!

  4. Asthmagirl says:

    Beautiful pictures! Love the rainbows!

  5. HeyJules says:

    Wild azaleas? I had no idea!!!

  6. addhumorandfaith says:

    As usual, beautiful photos.

  7. Bear Naked says:

    Double rainbow!
    Did you make a wish?

  8. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    B-E-A-TIFUL !!! love the rainbow shot!

  9. Flower says:

    Beautiful photos or your place!! That rainbow is spectacular!
    Saving dandelion seed? I have some Lemon Balm for you!! :))
    I feed my chickens the dandelions and they love them.
    The pink azalea is very nice..such great color!! Wild flowers are the best!!

  10. Dawn says:

    Gorgeous…I love the rainbow.

  11. Flea says:

    You have the most gorgeous yard!

    I like the idea of saving the blowers for Mark’s yard. You’re a genius. All little boys need dandelions. :) He can have some of mine, too.

  12. Mental P Mama says:

    We had a double rainbow last Thursday night, too! Great shots, and I think your dandelion seed relocation program sounds perfect.

  13. Paige Jennifer says:

    I love the fuzzy start of dandelions. As a kid, I could entertain myself for hours blowing the particles free. Oh who am I kidding – I can still entertain myself for hours doing that.

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