Potato Pull Apart Cinnamon Bread

This post has been updated and moved to my other blog.  You can now find it here:

Potato Pull-apart Cinnamon Bread

Link to this recipe on The Creekside Cook

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12 Responses to Potato Pull Apart Cinnamon Bread

  1. Ellyn says:

    I don’t know. That doesn’t look very good.

  2. dlyn says:

    yup – you probably won’t like it! ;)

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m thinking that this would be great to have on Christmas morning! Yum!!!

    Will you be making these on Christmas morning? :D


  4. Mental P Mama says:

    Oh dear.

  5. asthmagirl says:

    My stretch pants just expanded…

  6. Deb says:

    I am always a bit intimidated by yeast. Strange, I know..but I often feel like it is way to delicate to deal with.

  7. Paige Jennifer says:

    I’m pretty sure that every time I read one of your cooking posts, I gain five pounds (laughing). And yes, I’m now wiping my drool off the keyboard.

  8. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    OH MY GOSH I HAVE HAVE HAVE HAVE TO try this!!! DROOLING HERE and I see me having to get bigger pants before this holiday season is done thank you very much LOL…
    Ok question for you… My hubby brought home a homemade bottle of cane syrup I want to figure something out to make with it because it has no preseratives… I tasted it it reminds me of molassas… any ideas??? HELP!~

  9. dlyn says:

    Janis – Ellyn says I can’t come for Christmas unless I make them!

    MentalP – truer words were never spoken.

    Ag – sorry. [not a lot tho, LOL]

    Deb – go for it – it’s only food girl!

    PJ – this is why I am going to start selling my dlyn embossed keyboard covers. don’t miss out!

    Laura – I hope that you do! And I love cane syrup. We don’t have it up here usually, but our son in law is from Georgia and his Mom sent me some. I don’t think it needs presevatives – it is like molasses in that regard. [at least I think so] As for using it, try it in pecan pie. Or make the molasses cookies from a few days ago but use the cane syrup – same texture but a lighter taste. We also like it in bbq sauce.

  10. noble pig says:

    Wow, that’s some pull-apart…unreal…I’m making these, butter and all! Thanks for playing!

  11. Daryl says:

    I just licked the screen on my computer .. no really I did .. I was going to bite it but someone passing my office pointed out that (a)its office property and (b) I could get hurt……….


  12. Lore says:

    Cinnamon is starting to get quite addictive during this time of the year and I don’t mind one bit! Would you believe me if I told you that I could munch on this bread all day long? Really I would!
    Thanks for sharing it with the Original Recipes Round-Up :)

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