Riley and the 4th of July

Before it got up to Ninety-eleven and a half today, when I was sitting on the porch, enjoying a nice cup of coffee, I realized someone was staring at me.

Me: Can I do something for you?
Riley: Yes. May I borrow your phone?
Me: My phone? You want to borrow my phone? Why?
Riley: I need to make a call – why else would I need a phone?
Me: I don’t even try to guess these things anymore. Pray, tell – who do you need to call?
Riley: I want to call the cops.Me: The cops? Why would you call the cops?
Riley: I want to call and report those people over there.
Me: Those people are our neighbors – why would you call the cops on them?
Riley: Every year, it is the same thing. On July 4th, they spend hours, setting off fireworks. I don’t like fireworks.Me: Well I’m sorry about that, but you can’t call the cops, buddy.
Riley: Fireworks are illegal in the state of New York. I looked it up! Those people should be in jail, I think. It’s just not right.
Me: It is a fairly minor crime, really.
Riley: It’s not minor to me! Fireworks scare the crap out of me!  They are illegal, and they shouldn’t set them off, and the cops should come and arrest them. Me: I can see why you are upset, but there is not point in calling the cops now – they aren’t setting off fireworks anymore, because it is morning now.
Riley: You people – you always stick together.
Me: Sorry – it is probably over now, until next year.Riley: I hate the 4th of July.

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17 Responses to Riley and the 4th of July

  1. ellyn says:

    Poor Ri-ri. You can tell him his favorite three year old feels the exact same way. Actually she feel jail is too good for them. Public executions; that’s what Anna is lobbying for.

  2. Kate says:

    Those fireworks really get George going, too. This year, the window AC unit helped quiet it a bit, though!

  3. Amy says:

    p.s. – my two Beagles share Riley’s sentiments.

  4. Margaret says:

    Yep!! Mine too They are so glad my son stopped demanding fireworks. Their fur isn’t turning grey with fright anymore. Also thunder. squealing tires. lizards, life. air.

  5. Donalyn says:

    Oh no – poor Miss Anna Banana – maybe Katie the Kitty can protect her. after she puts her shoes back on of course….

    Kate – AC would have come in handy around here today. I think we are going to have popsicles for dinner.

    Amy & Margaret – seems that most dogs share Riley’s feelings about this :)

  6. Louise says:

    Riley, Jackaroo and Tyler agree! Beta and Kindle say, “fireworks? What fireworks?”

  7. Louise says:

    Hey D, I am having some Kimballs black raspberry. Just to keep cool, thats the only reason,really.

  8. Trisha says:

    Poor Riley! It must be tough to hate fireworks and then have to endure them every year!

  9. Poor puppy! He should come over here and hide under the bed with Dora….

  10. …with the proper chaperone. Of course.

  11. Donalyn says:

    Louise – don’t even speak to me of Kimballs, unless youa re having chocolate-something!

    Trisha – Riley appreciates the sympathy. though he does want to know if it comes with cookies?

    MPM – I don’t think they really need a chaperone. Even if he did have any ulterior motives, he is no longer equipped to do anything about them. He does love lady dogs though.

  12. Stash says:

    He’s too cute for words. Tell him I said so. :)

  13. Donalyn says:

    I’ll tell him Stash – he does love his fans!

  14. Gina says:

    LOL! Riley is so cute, I love his expressions :)

  15. Donalyn says:

    Thanks Gina – it is all in where you hold the cookies ;)

  16. Ashleigh says:

    I missed this. It made my day.

    Love you Riley! ;)

  17. rachel says:

    love this post, adorable!

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