Can I get a big "WooooHoooo"?

Can you feel it? You might have to stand kind of still and hold your breath. Oh my. Or, you could check the UPS tracking site and see this:Woohooo because it will be here later today! Uh-Oh because I have to do errands this morning and work at the Food Pantry at church this afternoon. There is a 2 hour window in the middle when I would be home to sign for a package. You know I can’t let Riley do it. What are the chances UPS will get here then?I guess I can wait until Friday if I have to. Isn’t it the purtiest thing you ever saw?

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16 Responses to Can I get a big "WooooHoooo"?

  1. Flea says:

    WooHoo is right! What a beauty! I hope you’re home when it arrives. UPS always gets here after dinner.

  2. Jo says:

    I am so excited for you! Neat :)

  3. Deb says:

    Oh wowee! I just happen to see a commerical for this camera on tv last night and said to myself…ahh…this is why you were checking UPS today! See how we are connected via blogging?
    I read that you can take videos, too with this little baby!

  4. Ashleigh says:

    MAN! I am Canon girl but I love your new toy. Never tried Nikons but your’s look sah-weet!

    Hope to see more of YOUR magical pics.


  5. Mary says:

    Ooooo. Me likey. :)

  6. TSannie says:

    What a beautiful sight that is! As Mary said: Me likey! Me wanty! Now!

  7. Ellyn says:

    Don’t let Ri-ri sign for it. Sharp pointy teeth. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

  8. Mental P Mama says:

    I have a horrid case of camera envy. Where did you order it from? I may have to get myself a little present.

  9. Karen says:

    So that is what a grown up camera looks like. Pretty! :) I look forward to seeing all the amazing stuff you do with your new toy.

  10. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:


  11. Olly says:

    Hahahahaha! Ok, I’m not quite functioning yet. I read “can I get a big HoooHooo”. Totally different. Never mind.

    Love the new camera, but what happened to your D60? I thought it was all fixed? I must have missed something.

  12. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    WHOOOO HOOOOO I have major camera envy my little point and shoot is just crying wanting to be a big girl camera :)

  13. GreenJello says:

    So whatcha gonna do with your old one? :)

  14. noble pig says:

    Congrats on your new baby!

  15. Country Girl says:




    You’re getting the D90???

    Be still, my heart.

    Oh, lucky lucky you!!

    That sucker takes HDV movies, I hear!!

  16. HeyJules says:

    So you waited all that time to get your camera fixed and then you bought a new one? I’m so confused!!!

    Congrats on the new baby. It’s purty but not as purty as a Canon.


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