It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Pity my poor UPS man…shipping boxes

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8 Responses to It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

  1. Miss Rachel says:

    Very interesting! :) are you planning on posting the things you make for your gifts? :)

  2. Kate says:

    Oh, this is too funny!

  3. Donalyn says:

    Rachel – I’m giving away lot of cookies, but mostly I am buying gifts this year.

    Kate – teehee!

  4. Lori says:

    I hear ya! I have to go to the recycling center in the a.m. to get rid of the excess cardboard around here. It’s not a fun chore in sub-humane temperatures!

  5. sippitysup says:

    That’s funny! I stumbled it and sent it to my friends. We can all relate! GREG

  6. Nuts Online? I thought they were all here in Fairfield County….

  7. HoneyB says:

    Do you have the snow to go with it down there? Up north we are getting hit with a LOT of snow!

  8. Pam says:

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