I fear assimilation

Because we have been invaded by space ship squashes.alien_squash

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22 Responses to I fear assimilation

  1. Sara says:

    That is such a cool photo… and I love the way your brain sees things. :)

    I feel like a dork, but I have to know how you made that look suspended in mid-air. Is it on a glass table top? Or should I start rewatching Independance Day to prepare myself for an invasion?


  2. CM says:

    Shoot! I missed the contest! I’m quite sure that Mark would have picked me! We Mark’s stick together.

    You’ve been wondering …. where is CM this week? (or counting your blessings!). Well, I have been spending hours of lucnh time this week creating a Wordle (thanks to the tip on your blog) for my daughter’s 22nd birthday, which is today. I simply could not go with a bunch of random, meaningless words …. this took much thought and time during five or six days. I was qutie pleased with the results. And I feel like a real Wordle.net expert now.

    And since I don’t have a life …. at least not one as interseitng a Dlyn’s blog, I have been wondering how Mr. and Mrs. Wren were doing. (Still a little sore that my Mr. and Mrs. Wren departed before a family even began.)

  3. Ellyn says:

    You are a dork.

  4. Ashmystir says:

    LOL. War of the Worlds! Where is Orson when you need him?


    P.s. you’re not a dork. Don’t listen to ellyn. ha. ha.

  5. McSwain says:

    Those yummy aliens!

  6. Ness says:

    Do you eat them or shoot them?

    Watch out…they might say, “Take me to your Leader” and you’d have to take them to Hallie…

  7. Ruth Hull Chatlien says:

    That is way cool. And I’m like Sara. I want to know how you did it.

  8. dlyn says:

    Sara & Ruth -I must confess that I cloned out the chopstick upon which the spaceship squash was suspended. Or, at least that is what "they" told me to say.

    Ellyn – I am ignoring you. Lalalalalalalalalalalalala

    And thanks Ashleigh – I appreciate that! [see Ellyn – some people are nice. you should try to be nice like Ashleigh]

    mcswain – they are yummier than yummy earth sqaushes even.

    CM – I did wonder where you have been – I was afraid the blindfolded Cowabelle had gotten rid of you for good.

    Ness – you shoot first and sautee later.

  9. Flea says:

    I’m with Ellyn. :) Love that flying saucer effect you’ve got going there. Think you can do that with a pumpkin this fall?

  10. noble pig says:

    Okay, well that’s a cool shot.

  11. For The People says:

    That is really cool but you better be careful that they don’t abduct you!

  12. Tonjia says:

    now that is the coolest vegetable I have ever seen!

  13. Good Yarns says:

    I thought the Borg had a squash CUBE, not disc. Maybe you could work on that for the next time? LOL
    I like flea’s idea about the pumpkin, just think about making it cubical, ‘k?

  14. Laura ~Peach~ says:

    very cool pic! I see you alrady splained how you did it cause I was sure gonna ask. I had a question but it got lost from the top of the comments till now… oh well if it comes back to me I will try to get back and ask!
    Have a great weekend

  15. Kellan says:

    How did you take that picture? Very cool!

    Have a good weekend – Kellan

  16. TSannie says:

    Perfection! Floating perfection!

  17. Magnolia Street Style says:

    Thank you for visiting. I’ve been reading your past postings and enjoy your photos and flowers very much. Have a great day.

  18. Bear Naked says:

    That photo is stunning.
    You are very talented.

    Bear((( )))

  19. Mental P Mama says:

    Fantastic shot!

  20. Kathiesbirds says:

    Now you’ve got me laughing!

  21. HeyJules says:

    Love it!!!

  22. Pingback: The Calm – dlyn

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