Beet and Horseradish Relish

This post has been updated and moved to my new blog.

You can now find it here:

Beet and Horseradish Relish on The Creekside Cook

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10 Responses to Beet and Horseradish Relish

  1. Egghead says:

    This looks delicious. I can’t wait to try fact I still have beets waiting to be picked.

  2. ellyn says:

    As one who currently has a half gallon jug of the very stuff in these pictures, I can say, it is crazy good.

  3. Kel says:

    I really like your blog!

  4. Deb says:


    Love your illustrations & details for making this recipe. I bought a jar of this type of relish from a farmers market in Edmonton & as you say…. one jar & you’re hooked! There are so many versions for the recipe online & of course the Ukrainian versions use freshly grated horse radish which is not easy to come by. I think the relish is a traditional Ukrainian dish that was prepared at Easter time. I vowed after tasting this relish last summer that I was going to test a few recipes this year with my beets from the garden! I had a very poor beet crop because we had terrific hail storms, but I have kept some specifically to make this recipe. I can’t wait….. & thank you for taking the time to post this on your blog….. this will be the recipe I will be using!

  5. Stash says:

    Looks quite a beauty (both the relish and the photography).

  6. Kelly says:

    A must have on a very good brand of cracker spread with cream cheese and a dollop of this relish on top. Brightens up a casual friends at home event where you put out some
    hors d’oeuvres such as small circles of kolbosa or other sausage, cheese, stuffed mushrooms, olives , raw vegs, dip etc. where the burst of colour can really set the table off. Snappy little bite while you are waiting for the bbq business to begin….

  7. Kelly says:

    A must have on a very good brand of cracker spread with cream cheese and a dollop of this relish on top. Brightens up a casual ” friends at home ” event where you put out some
    hors d’oeuvres such as small circles of kolbosa or other sausage, cheese, stuffed mushrooms, olives , raw vegs, dip etc. where the burst of colour can really set the table off. Snappy little bite while you are waiting for the bbq business to begin….

  8. I canned beet relish and it sealed without processing. Now I’m worried about the long term usage. Can I freeze my jars of beet relish.

  9. Donalyn says:

    If you didn’t process it, then it is not safe to keep at room temperature – you can keep it in the fridge for a long time though. I believe freezing it would result in a mushy relish.

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