Hiding Holsteins

Well, they are definitely still here. Earlier this morning I spotted them out of the corner of my eye. I came around the corner of the house and saw them hunkered down in a patch of forget-me-nots.I also noticed them enjoying some vinca flowersBut when I tried to approach them, they hurried off before I could reach them.It is a comfort to know that they are still here. I am trying something that might get their attention. One thing I don’t talk about much is my lifelong addiction to Smarties. I cannot be without them for long and if they are so alluring to me, can the cows possibly resist them? I know that Flea suggested butter, but I am giving this a chance first.I would come running if I saw this. I am hoping that F&B will be drawn in too. I will let you know if it gets me anywhere.

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10 Responses to Hiding Holsteins

  1. Flea says:

    Ooo! A sugar treat! I know horses like lumps of sugar, but I’ll bet this lures cows as well. Smart thinking!

    If you’d like a chuckle this morning, check out formicafields.blogspot.com today. :)

  2. Lori says:

    If you left sweet-tarts out I’d walk all the way there, myself! Hope it works!

  3. Ashmystir says:

    I’d follow those trails of tarts anyday!


  4. Beth from the Funny Farm says:

    HahahahA! I just love these cow posts! I think Smarties is a much better idea than butter! Doesn’t Flea understand that cows don’t EAT butter… their milk MAKES butter… but they don’t eat it.

  5. CM says:

    You know what? …. it just occurred to me … when they run out of salt and pepper …. then they’ll come running! Just ignore them and when they run out of condiments, you’ll find them at the kitchen door. (I still think that a giant magnet would get the job done but obviously you are trying more humane means of allurement.)

  6. Olly says:

    Haha…my husband would fall for that trap! He LOVES those candies!

  7. Flea says:

    So when IS your birthday, ma’am?

  8. CM says:

    Flea … I know … it’s soon …. it’s May 10 ….. and I also know how old she is!

    Don’t you delete this Dlyn!

  9. dlyn says:

    CM is in pretty big trouble all of the sudden!

  10. Country Girl says:

    You’re crazy! It’s now official.

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