Riley Speaks

Okay – Mom is busy in the other room, so I have time to get your questions answered.

Flea asks: How do you get along with all the critters inside and outside the house? I’ve seen squirrels and birds and stone bunnies. My dogs spend their day barking at other animals. And I hear there are multiple critters in the house as well – things like cows. Are you jealous?
I like cows. I like to sit on the porch and bark at the ones across the road. But don’t get close to cows, because they are BIG. Much bigger than they look from the porch as it turns out when you get a little closer. They look mean too. I could not believe it when Mom took me near them – I insisted on coming back home immediately before one of them could hurt her. The cows in the house are not big or mean, so they are fine. Not much fun to bark at though.

Ashmystir asks: Where can I find a dog that looks as cute as you? As smart as you? I mean my dog Dixie does not even know how to type but you run your own blog.
There are dogs just as cute and smart as me in every shelter in the country. Lots and lots. I found out how to do blogging stuff by reading up on it on the internet – I think any dog with computer access could figure it out.

Kathy and Charlie ask:
Riley, my big brother Chance hates all this snow & ice, but I love it! But I don’t like to go outside without him! What should I do? Mom gets tired of letting us out and back in all the time so I can romp around. Chance just wants to sit on the deck and bark til Mom brings him back in.Your friend in Iowa, Charlie
Well Charlie, I am afraid that if Chance is sure about not liking snow, there is probably nothing you can do about it. He sounds like the kind of dog who retires to Florida when he gets old – maybe your Mom & Dad would go along with that and then the two of you could romp together again. I love snow and I would love to romp with you but I think Io-way is a long ways from NY.

Kourtni.K asks: Didn’t I read somewhere that you’re going to have a bunch of grandchildren living there for a little while? What do you think about that – will it be fun?
I love grandchildren! The main reason I think, is that they taste good. The big one often tastes like peanut butter and the little one tastes like bananas. All the grown ups kind of freak out when I lick them, but the kids think it is great fun!

C. Witt asks:
Riley, do you ever travel to Texas? You look pretty worldy. If you do, let me know–I think you would get along with my buddy Bella.
I do get to travel sometimes. Lately though, I have gotten to go and stay with my Uncle Jeff when Mom and Dad go away and I like that a lot better. Uncle Jeff lets me lick the bowl after he finishes his sherbert. [He gives me other people food too, but don’t tell Mom and Dad.] Maybe Bella will be in NY sometime?

imbeingheldhostage asks:
Ok Riley,If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? And what do you think makes a great vacation (ie: the food, the company, accessible trees, etc)?
Good vacations are because of the people, I think. I like my vacations at Uncle Jeff’s a lot. And I like when we go a visit other people. I like a wide variety of trees too and they are everywhere!

Kellan asks:
Hi Riley – you are looking very cute today, btw!! Who is your favorite human? Is there one you like better than the other?
Aw thanks – I like to think I look pretty cute every day actually and I am glad that you noticed! I have to admit that I do love my Mom more than anyone else. She saved me from an awful place you know and I know she loves me even if I make mistakes sometimes. I am also very fond of anyone who has some cookies. Do you have some cookies?

Julie asks:
Do you ever think of escaping? Maybe something crazy like running off with the pooch down the street and living the high life in Mexico?
You know, that looks like a good idea on paper, but I was a street dog earlier in my life and it is not nearly as good as being a dog with a family. I guess Mexico will have to wait, but I would not mind hanging out with the pooch down the street…

CM asks: does Mom really do all that gardening herself?
I took out all that stuff about Mom and how she looks and everything – cause this is supposed to be about ME! I can tell you that she does do all of her own gardening, except sometimes, Dad helps with digging holes. For some reason, I am not allowed to dig holes, though I think I do an even better job than Dad. When I see someone digging a hole, it often makes me have this terrible urge to dig one myself – usually I have to go in the house then though, so I am trying to break my hole digging habit. I don’t know why Mom and Dad can dig holes but I can’t – doesn’t seem right to me, but what do I know? I’m just the dog. And since this question was about Mom, you have to send me cookies now.

Tara asks:
Do you have a girlfriend Riley? Does your mommy take you on doggie play dates? Does your mommy ever make you wear little doggie outfits? Do you ever get so excited you pee on the floor? Just curious :)
I am a very manly dog and I do NOT wear any kind of outfit. I have a very handsome [and manly] collar, but that is all. For holidays, I might wear a seasonal bandana, but only if I can’t reach it to chew it off. I would never pee on the floor – I am a grown-up dog! I do have doggie friends – my cousin Abby is fun. And later today, Daisy is coming to stay with us for awhile. This is us when I was visiting at her house – we are going to have fun!

Okay – I know I didn’t get to all the questions, but I will catch the rest of them next week. My poor paws aren’t used to all this typing and besides, Mom is acting really suspicious, so I want to get this posted before she discovers what I am up to. Thank you all SO much for being interested in my life and what I have to say. I never imagined that you could all be so nice. have a great weekend!

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15 Responses to Riley Speaks

  1. Tara says:

    Thanks Riley! You made my day.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love that first picture. It makes me feel happy.

    I ought to put it up in my office and look at it when it has been a particulary stressful day. :>)


  3. Weezee says:

    Ok Riley, I can understand your poor little paws being sore but I still want an answer to my question. You’ll be pretty busy entertaining Daisy and those grandkids but find a moment to sneak back in here. OK?

  4. Ashmystir says:

    Oh Riley!!

    I just love you to pieces and would take you home with me and Dixie if you’re mom would let me.

    You ALWAYS make me smile!


  5. Chris says:

    You really are fun and enlightening. I never knew much about the secret world of dogs. So keep educating us ignorant ones, oK?

  6. Alison says:

    Riley…you always bring a smile to my face!! rescue dogs are the best!!!

  7. Lori says:

    Oh, Riley! The stuff about the grandkids tasting like peanut butter and bananas had me giggling. I have a little guy here you’d love! He’s 3, so probably the perfect height for licking and he probably tastes like cheese most of the time. Let us know if you are ever in Tennessee!

  8. Flea says:

    Riley! My rescue dogs would really like hanging with you. One, Flash, was shot by a policeman once when a nasty neighbor played a mean prank. He loves his new family and would enjoy meeting you. If you didn’t live all the way in NEW YORK!

  9. ~m2~ says:

    riley is adorable!!

    (i’ve been busy with max so haven’t been blogging much, but i love coming here dl — you make my day :)

  10. Asthmagirl says:

    Riley, you’re very smart. I think my Madeline has been playing with my computer too. How can I find out what she has been up to?

  11. Scarlett Wanna Be says:

    Tooooo cute!!! And that is a very manly collar. You wouldn’t like Peanuts, he isn’t manly. He has been know to throw his paw up in the air and scream when butterfly gets to close to his head.

  12. addhumorandfaith says:

    I love this.

  13. CM says:

    Hi Riley …. great job sneaking in there again …… I wanted to try to not think about that nice picture of your fangs and go ahead and defend myself … a little … you encouraged me to “dig up some dirt about Mom and Dad” (no pun intended …. but it works). Now maybe I was the only commenter to try and do so, but I am a younger cousin (kind of like younger brothers) so my tendencies would be that direction. Sure enough …. I checked back down to your earlier post and cookies are part of the “digging up dirt” deal …so …. what’s your favorite cookie?
    PS ….. I think they should let you dig holes too! I bet ML gets to dig holes while he is there! (of course after the ground thaws!)

  14. imbeingheldhostage says:

    I live for your posts, Riley. I mean, your Mom has some great photos– fabulous photos and fun blogs, but you are so darned cute!!!! And id Chance is reading over your shoulder, he’s a handsome guy too.

  15. imbeingheldhostage says:

    Yikes, sorry. I was looking at Daisy (?) but seeing the question about Chance. AND I still don’t spell check on my comments. sorry.

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