The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree…

Sometimes I take photos and leave them sitting for months on my computer before I get around to looking at them. I was flipping through a bunch from December the other day and ran across a series of my Grandmother with Mark and Anna. They were sitting on the couch together and I was snapping frame after frame without paying too much attention what I was getting. I knew there would be at least few good ones in there, which there are. There are also a few surprises, since I don’t remember seeing Mark doing this at the time. When you’re 5, you can entertain yourself pretty much anywhere.I would have to say he comes by this talent naturally though.

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4 Responses to The nut doesn’t fall far from the tree…

  1. Donalyn says:

    It’s good thing I love them both Amy, cause they are mighty strange. Especially that big one.

  2. carlac says:

    That’s hilarious!

  3. Ellyn says:

    They are quite a pair.

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